April Newsletter
Happy spring! This month, we're sharing tips on conserving your water, keeping streets clear, and getting ready for the dry season.
And don't forget: April 22 is the date of the public hearing for The City's Rezoning for Housing Strategy. Read on for more info on how you can share your thoughts or participate.
Keeping storm drains clear this spring
Calgary has about 60,000 storm drains working to capture water and melting snow off sidewalks, streets and roads.
If it's safe and possible to do, remove debris or snow blocking the drain. Create a channel, if need be, to help water flow.
In communities built after 1990, The City installs devices in the storm drain to control how fast water flows into the system.
During and after a rainfall event, these devices allow water to pool on the road (usually in a low spot, called a trap low), until the stormwater system can accept the extra water.
If the storm drain remains submerged for more than 90 minutes or you cannot safely clear ice and snow away, take a photo and submit it via the 311 App or a web request. Attaching a photo goes a long way in helping our crews respond on a priority basis.
For more information on storm drains and to locate the closest one to you, visit calgary.ca/stormdrains.
Rezoning for Housing Strategy: Public Hearing, April 22
We have heard from hundreds of residents who have shared their feedback regarding The City's proposed rezoning strategy, and we will continue to listen and hear from you as we approach the date of the Public Hearing.
If you are interested, here are some additional ways to submit your feedback to Administration and Council:
Until April 11, you can submit your letter and comments through the Engage Portal for Rezoning for Housing portal. The comments received through this portal inform the What We Heard Report that Administration will be preparing for Council. Note that your identity is protected and all comments are anonymous.
In addition, you can have your submission included for the public report which is compiled as an attachment for the Calgary Planning Commission “Public Submissions.” This will be forwarded to Council for the April 22nd Public Hearing.
The public submissions deadline is April 15th and can be submitted by visiting this page.
Learn more about how you can sign up to speak at the April 22 public hearing at calgary.ca/publichearing.
For more information and a full, interactive map of zoning changes, visit Calgary.ca/rezoningforhousing
As always, my office is open if you have any questions or concerns. You can reach us at Ward2@calgary.ca. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
- Jennifer
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Community Notice Board
Mark your calendars: The Kincora Community Association Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on April 30 at 7 pm at the Symons Valley Church. A yearly update on financials and events will be given during the meeting.
The Kincora Community Association will be hosting the Colors Festival – Holi for the second year now. Holi is a Hindu festival which marks the beginning of spring and the end of winter. The tradition is to apply colors (herbal dyes) to those in your community as a fun way to invite spring into each other’s lives. It is customary to come dressed in white on this day and go back in Tie Dye colors as a memento of the event.
Accompanied by music, dancing, and eating good food, this festival defines fun.
KCA will be hosting this event at their Kincora fields on May 25 this year from 2- 5 pm. This is a free event hosted by the KCA afforded by the generous grants and funds from city and sponsors. Food trucks will be present on site with their offerings for a price.
Hi Citadel,
Are you looking for a soccer program for your child?
There are 2 soccer programs in Citadel:
- Northside Soccer
- Grassroots/Training Program – ages 4-19 – spring & summer sessions; not volunteer based, no evaluations. Mondays & Wednesdays: April 22-June 19
- CMSA/Competitive League: ages 6-19– spring & summer sessions; volunteer-based, volunteer deposit required; evaluations for team placement.
- SoccerTech
- Ages 4-12 – Tuesdays & Thursdays: April 29-June 25
- A valid Citadel Community Association is required for both programs. You may renew or sign up for your membership here.
Community Calendar

Kincora Annual General Meeting
April 30, 7 pm
Symons Valley United Church, 38 Kincora Rise NW

Seniors' Lunch
April 6, 11 AM - 2:30 PM
870 Citadel Drive, NW
Tickets: FREE for members, $10 for non-members.
RSVP to: seniorevents@citadelca.ab.ca
Learn more
Cyber Security Awareness Workshop
April 12, 7 PM
870 Citadel Drive, NW
Snacks will be provided.
For more info, please contact past_president@citadelca.ab.ca

Categories: Newsletter, Tips