Hello Ward 6!
The Ward 6 team hopes that 2025 has started with great health and happiness for you. We are truly looking forward to maintaining our strong partnerships with the residents of Ward 6, and supporting our communities throughout the year ahead.
In this January edition of the newsletter you will read about the Local Area Plan Reconnect, Sarcee/Bow Trail Functional Study next steps, Ward 6 property assessment market report and much more.


Local Area Plan Reconnect
The Westbrook Communities Local Area Plan (the Plan) is being updated to align with the Council-approved citywide rezoning that allows single-detached homes, semi-detached homes, townhomes and rowhomes to be built across Calgary, and adds in new community improvements to Chapter 3 and Appendix A of the Plans.
The Local Area Plan Reconnect project was presented to the Infrastructure and Planning Committee on January 8, 2025 and recommended to Council for first reading.
The Local Area Plan Reconnect project, including the Westbrook Communities Local Area Plan, is scheduled to be presented at a Public Hearing of Council on February 4, 2025. Here are the proposed amendments to Westbrook Communities LAP.
The agenda will be finalized the week prior to Council; please visit Council and committee agendas, minutes and video to confirm the agenda.
You can view the proposed updates to the Plan — with the added Community Improvements based on public feedback, the removed policies, a presentation video, and the project FAQ — online at calgary.ca/LAPreconnect.
Want to share your thoughts? You can participate in the hearing in many ways, including submitting a letter or speaking to Council. For more information on how to participate and tip sheets, click here. You can register to speak in person and/or make a written submission right up until the public hearing is closed by the Chair.

Sarcee Trail/Bow Trail Functional Planning Study
Project overview:
The Sarcee Bow FPS aims to develop a functional plan that improves connectivity, enhances safety and supports long-term growth in the area. The project seeks to validate recommendations from the 2012 Council-approved West Springs Area Structure Plan. Key objectives include improving traffic flow at the intersection and corridors in the surrounding area, with considerations for the possible expansion of both the Sarcee Trail and Bow Trail corridors.
Engagement Highlights:
To ensure the recommended plan meets the needs and priorities of the community, we have engaged closely with interest-holders throughout the process.
- Phase 1 (April 2024): Identified high-level themes such as the desire to improve pedestrian and wheeling accessibility and connectivity, the importance of environmental and green space conservation and the need to improve traffic flow and intersection safety within the study area.
- Phase 2 (November 2024): We presented two interchange options and gathered the communities’ feedback on the proposed plans. The high-level feedback we heard included support for an interchange to improve traffic flow and safety, mixed feedback regarding the proposed direct access to Edworthy Park from Bow Trail S.W., desire for improved pedestrian and wheeling connectivity and the importance of green space conservation.
- The Phase 2 What We Heard Report has been posted to the project webpage and can be viewed here.
Next Steps:
Based on feedback regarding Edworthy Park access, the Sarcee/Bow Trail team plans to host focused engagement sessions with the Wildwood community in the coming months, to explore preferences on park access further. The public will be notified once these sessions are scheduled.
Phase 3 engagement is set to begin in Spring 2025. During this phase the Sarcee/Bow Trail team will present the final recommended plan and collect input for any refinements.

Ward 6 Property Assessment Market Report
The City has a revenue neutral tax system that ensures no new property tax will be collected due to the annual assessment process. Tax revenue changes are communicated through the budgetary process.
The City’s total tax revenues do not change automatically with assessment changes year-over-year. When Property values go up, the revenue neutral tax rate decreases. When property values go down, the revenue neutral tax rate goes up.
Here is the Ward 6 property assessment market report buy community.

**Customer Review Period is January 10 to March 21, 2025
Review your Notice
Learn how your property is assessed.
Visit calgary.ca/assessment or logon to your Assessment Search secure account
- Confirm your property information
- Compare your assessed value to other similar properties in your area
- Review real estate market trends and learn how your property is assessed
- Sign up for eNotice: Go Paperless Contest
Have further questions? Contact the assessment team here

Douglas Fir Trail Project update- January 2025
Since November 2023, part of the Douglas Fir Trail has been closed because a site inspection showed unsafe conditions.
In 2019, a small part of the trail’s slope was marked for repairs. The design for this work is now finished, and we are working on getting the necessary approvals and agreements with CPKCR (Canadian Pacific Kansas City Railway), because part of the work will take place on land owned by them. Once everything is approved, construction will begin. Until then, the City will continue to monitor the slope every month.
In January 2024, the City started a study to evaluate problems like seepage, erosion, and damage along a larger section of the trail. This includes drilling and geotechnical surveys, as well as monitoring the slope, to find the best long-term solutions. This study will finish by Q1 2025, and after that, the City will look for funding to carry out the necessary work.
For safety reasons, the trail will stay closed until all repairs are finished. We appreciate your patience and ask that you follow the detour and closure signs while we work on making the trail safe and sustainable for future use.

ChargeYYC: helping Calgarians install EV chargers in multi-residential buildings
The City of Calgary will be re-opening ChargeYYC for applications on Jan. 28! This pilot program is designed to support residents living in apartments, townhouses, rowhouses and other multi-residential buildings to install electric vehicle (EV) chargers. This initiative is part of The City’s commitment to prepare for the future of low carbon mobility.
Building owners and property managers can apply into Phase 1 of the program for financial incentives of up to $4,000 to develop a plan to install EV chargers in their buildings. ChargeYYC aims to simplify the process and reduce the costs associated with EV charger installations, making it easier for more Calgarians to own electric vehicles.
Motor vehicles are a major contributor to Calgary’s greenhouse gas emissions, making programs like ChargeYYC essential for achieving the city’s climate goals. The first phase of the program focuses on planning, with future phases offering additional financial incentives for installation.
For more details and to apply, visit calgary.ca/chargeyyc

Candidate nominations open for the 2025 General Election
The nomination period is now open for candidates running in the Monday, Oct. 20, 2025 General Election. Eligible individuals can run as a candidate for mayor, councillor, or public or separate school board trustee.
Nomination papers may be filed with Elections Calgary between Thursday, Jan. 2 and 12:00 noon, Monday, Sept. 22, 2025. All candidates must submit the following:
- Form 4 – Nomination Paper and Candidate’s Acceptance;
- Form 5 – Candidate Financial Information;
- Criminal record check; and,
- Deposit of $500 for mayor candidates or $100 for councillor and public or separate school board trustee candidates.
Learn more https://newsroom.calgary.ca/candidate-nominations-open-for-the-2025-general-election/
Or go to: https://www.calgary.ca/election.html
Springbank Hill Community Association- www.springbankhill.org
Chinese New Year ticket link Springbank Hill Community Association Chinese New Year 2025 event Tickets, Sun, 26 Jan 2025 at 5:00 PM | Eventbrite

Westgate Community Association: 4943 8 Ave SW, www.westgatecommunity.ca

Celebrate the season at Chinook Blast, Calgary’s winter festival
Chinook Blast is back for its fifth year, running from Jan. 31 to Feb. 17, 2025. This beloved winter celebration is a must-attend tradition, drawing Calgarians and visitors alike to discover Calgary and its downtown in a whole new way.
This year’s festival will once again showcase the city’s creativity and community spirit with a spectacular lineup of events and experiences for all ages. From live music performances to thrilling outdoor sports, captivating art installations and unique cultural experiences; there’s truly something for everyone to enjoy.
Whether you’re exploring downtown, discovering local artists, or simply embracing the winter magic with friends and family, Chinook Blast is a perfect way to warm up Calgary’s coldest season!
Mark your calendars and don’t miss out on this incredible winter tradition. Visit chinookblast.ca to learn more.

Phone | ||
Booking Meetings Cindy Aldous, Executive Assistant |
403-268-1646 |
Community Concerns Ralph Smith, Community Assistant |
403-268-1035 |
Communications Suzy Trottier, Communications & Community Liaison |
403-268-1380 |
Categories: Chinook Blast, Douglas Fir Trail, EV charging, Local Area Plan Reconnect, Property Assessment, Sarcee Trail Bow Trail Function Planning Study