Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 4 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. We are also asking businesses and residents to reduce indoor water use by 25%.

Learn more

Ward 6 - Richard Pootmans

March 2022 Newsletter

newsletter header

Hello Ward 6!

This edition of our monthly newsletter we will discuss my next virtual discussion series, road operation & safety improvements, engagement at the City and much more. 

Discussion Series: Fire Chief

SAVE THE DATE: Virtual Discussion Series

I will be hosting a Mircosoft Teams live discussion with Fire Chief Steve Dongworth, on April 26 at 7:00 pm. Send in your questions to

To attend the live virtual Microsoft Teams event

To watch my previous Discussion Series with City Manager David Duckworth and read the transcript click

Bow Trail U-turn

Road Operational & Safety Improvements

Bow Trail / Sarcee Trail U-Turn:

As part of the 2022 Operational and Safety Improvements project, The City has identified several locations for upgrades this year, including on the east leg of the Bow Trail & Sarcee Trail S.W. intersection.
The scope of work for this location includes installation of a new U-Turn Lane on eastbound Bow Trail, at the existing pedestrian traffic lights east of the Sarcee Trail S.W. intersection. This U-Turn Lane will reduce congestion by providing eastbound Bow Trail traffic another option to travel northbound on Sarcee Trail and will also provide residents from Strathcona Hill a more direct connection to northbound Sarcee Trail.

The Request for Proposals process is underway, and we expect to award the construction contract in April 2022. Construction will take place from spring to fall 2022.

project webpage and email newsletter have also been created to provide regular updates throughout construction.
For FAQ visit

Wildwood Improvements:

45 St and Windermere Rd SW- We will be proceeding with the geometric design of curb extensions on the north side of the intersection to accommodate a crosswalk there. Although there are crossings to the north and south close enough that we wouldn’t normally have enhancements here, we recognize the neighbourhood connectivity and the challenges the skewed intersection and proximity to the signal create. This change will be done using temporary materials such as Traffic Calming Curbs. Due to the design process required and other work it will likely be installed late summer or fall. The geometric design phase has been initiated. Once the geometric design phase has been approved, the crosswalk traffic control will be designed and then installed.

In continuing with safety there will also be a 'Slows Trailer' (Speed Limit Observation and Warning System) placed by Wildwood school. This trailer enhances traffic safety by educating motorists about how fast they are going and encouraging self-correction. It also conveys community concern about speeding.

Main Street

Main Streets Projects

We are getting ready for the 2022 construction season for the 17 Avenue and 37 Street Main Street projects, and I wanted to take this opportunity to let you know of the upcoming work, and detours that will be in place.

17 Avenue S.W. Main Street

  1. Starting Wednesday March 23, traffic will shift onto the south side of the 17 Avenue bridge over Crowchild Trail for the next four months. We will maintain one lane of east and westbound traffic while crews complete the work on the north side of the bridge deck.
  2. Starting in early April, construction is scheduled to start in the following blocks on 17 Avenue. Single right lane closures will be in place to complete this work, which will take 6-8 weeks.  
    1. South side - 37 Street to 36 Street S.W.
    2. South side – 27 Street to 26 Street S.W.

37 Street S.W. Main Street

  1. In early April construction is scheduled to start on 37 Street S.W. in the following blocks. Again, single right lane closures will be in place to complete this work, which will take 6-8 weeks.   
  1. East side – 28 Street to 26 Street S.W.
  2. East side – 19 Avenue to  17 Avenue S.W.
  3. East side – 10 Avenue to 13 Avenue S.W.
  1. Crews will also be out in the coming weeks to remove approximately 12 or fewer trees between 16 Avenue and Bow Trail S.W. Once the project is complete, we will be planting approximately 300 new trees along 37 Street.

These Main Streets projects are two of the first three under construction in The City, and you can find more information at: Main Streets (

For more information contact the Ward 6 office, call 311 or email the project team at



Engagement at the City

Did you know that the City has a dedicated engage website on different topics so that we can hear your opinions and concerns? We want you to join the conversation to help build a better Calgary. To take part visit

Ward 6 Engagements:

Westbrook Communities Local Area Planning Project- 
A local area plan outlines a future vision for the area, provides guidance on what growth and change makes sense where, and includes development direction that residents, landowners, builders and developers, city planners and Councillors can commonly refer to as new development ideas are proposed by property owners and landowners in the area. The Westbrook Communities Local Area Planning initially started in Winter 2019 which included the communities of: Wildwood, Spruce Cliff, Westgate, Rosscarrock, Shaganappi, Glendale, Killarney/ Glengarry, Glenbrook and the portions of Upper Scarboro/Sunalta West and Richmond that are west of Crowchild Trail.
Through the local growth planning process, the City will work together to create a future vision for how land could be used and redeveloped in the area. For more information visit

Sign-up for virtual engagement click here

1.    Monday, March 28, 2022: 7-8:15 PM 
2.    Tuesday, March 29, 2022: 7:30-8:45 PM
3.    Wednesday, March 30, 2022: 12-1 PM 

Can't attend a virtual engagement? Provide your feedback

Sign-up for newsletter updates click here

Some other current topics you don’t want to miss are (click on highlighted links for more info):

Snow and Ice Control Policy Review 2022

Service Plans & Budget 2023-2026

Building Inclusive Playgrounds

Calgary Community Anti-racism Action Strategy

CPS Non-Emergency Service Delivery

parks cleanup

Pathway and River Cleanup

Calgary Parks is preparing to host the 55th Pathway and River Cleanup this upcoming May 13th to 15th, returning to their original scheduled months after changes due to the pandemic. Registration is now open to volunteer at the link here.

For citizens who are unable to participate in the event but still want to show pride in their parks, our TLC Cleanup Kits are still available on a year round basis at the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary and starting in March at Ralph Klein Park. Parks can also arrange to send larger quantities of the kits to a drop off locations desired in the community (e.g. a community association).


Navigating Calgary’s Ring Road

As a growing city and one that moves, Calgary’s Ring Road makes our road network better and provides more options to get around Calgary. It shortens travel time between communities and popular destinations in and around our city. This map shows the sections of the Ring Road that are completed and the proposed West Calgary Ring Road section. View the Calgary Ring Road Map on the Map Gallery before heading out on it. The Calgary Ring Road Map can be found at:

To see updates on the West Calgary Ring Road click

To view more City of Calgary maps, please visit the Map Gallery at maps/


Recreation Programs

City Recreation

How do you stay active? Whether it is a water workout, yoga or a session in the weight room, we have a program to help you stay active.

Whatever you live to do, we have the perfect program for you. Visit to find your next Spring program today.

YouthLink Calgary Police

Registration is now open for YouthLink Calgary Police Interpretive Centre’s 2022 summer camps!

YouthLink camps provide the most VIP police experience possible. Junior detectives will get an all-access pass to our museum and exhibits, experiment with forensic science and crime-solving, participate in team-building games, and get behind the scenes experiences with Calgary Police Specialty Units.

To register for YouthLink Calgary’s summer camps, visit

Small Business

Digital Service Squad program gives online boost to small businesses 

The City of Calgary has launched the Digital Service Squad program to provide free support, helping small businesses succeed in the online world.

The Digital Service Squad (DSS) consists of Calgary post-secondary students temporarily hired by The City. The DSS is available at no cost to eligible small businesses.

The program is underway this year and is anticipated to assist well over 2,000 eligible businesses. Post-secondary students with digital expertise will provide one-on-one support to eligible small businesses. The students include those in the first year through to the last year of their studies.

The free support can include digital transformation support; social media strategy; building a basic website; setting up Google My Business; setting up a Point-of-Sale (POS) solution; Search Engine Optimization (SEO); creating customer databases; and streamlining business processes.

Eligible businesses:

  • Small businesses located in Calgary and registered in Alberta.
  • Zero to 49 employees (can include self-employed business owners with no employees).
  • Home-based or commercial businesses.

Ineligible businesses:

  • Non-profits, charitable trusts and franchises.

For local small business operators, it all starts with signing up. Details can be found on the newly-created Digital Service Squad webpage at Interested small business operators are encouraged to register as soon as possible.

The program is delivered through a partnership between Business Link and Digital Main Street and is funded by the Government of Alberta.

historic city hall

Ward 6 Office Contact

Booking Meetings:

Shannon Martel, Executive Assistant

E:   P: 403-268-1646

Community Concerns:

Ralph Smith, Community Assistant

E:   P: 403-268-1035

Communications & Community Concerns:

Suzy Trottier, Communications & Community Liaison 

E:   P: 403-268-1380

To recieve an electronic email of our monthly newsletter sign up here: 

Categories: Discussion Series, Engagement, Parks, Planning & Development, Recreation, Roads, Small Business,
