Notice of Motion: Plebiscite on City Wide Blanket Re-Zoning Decision
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- March 14, 2024

I did not support the Notice of Motion: Plebiscite on City Wide Blanket Re-Zoning as I had already made a commitment to Calgarians in September 2023 with the approval of Home is Here: The City of Calgary’s Housing Strategy, that I would listen to their voices in the Public Hearing which was scheduled to be held on April 22. The rezoning for housing is a bylaw change, and as per the Municipal Government Act, Council must hold a Public Hearing, regardless of whether a plebiscite is held or not. A plebiscite involves asking only Canadian citizens over the age of 18 for their views on an issue, rather than on the specific wording of proposed legislation or a constitutional amendment. Such votes can give a governing body direction on forming policy. Please remember this - a plebiscite is non-binding. The decision would still remain in the hands of Council, who must remain neutral and amendable to persuasion when holding a Public Hearing after the plebiscite.
Cost was also another factor in my decision in not supporting the plebiscite. In the Special Meeting of Council, we were advised that Administration has already spent $950,000 in engagement for the “Rezoning for Housing” Public Hearing. The plebiscite would have cost us another $50,000 if done in conjunction with the election, and then we would have to spend another almost million dollars to re-engage Calgarians for another Public Hearing. In my view that is irresponsible spending.
All Calgarians can submit their comments for Public Hearing on April 22 and I unreservedly encourage people to do so. This meeting will be a wholesome discussion where Council can truly hear and appreciate the concerns of the citizens. Whether you submit a letter for the public record or sign up to either virtually or in-person speak for 5 minutes, we will hear from anyone who would like to share their concerns and opinions. I look forward to hearing from everyone and making an informed decision based on what I hear. I campaigned on “We can’t thrive unless the rest of the City thrives”. As I go into Public Hearing that is what is upmost on my mind - making a Calgary where everyone thrives.
In order to provide you with as much assistance as we can, here is some basic information on public submissions and speaking panels.
Public Submissions - Due no later than 12:00 p.m. on 2024 April 15
- Written submissions from the public must be received by the City Clerk’s Office no later than 12:00 p.m. on 2024 April 15 in order for them to be included in the Agenda.
- Public submissions should be submitted to Council via the City Clerk’s Office Public Submissions portal: Public Submission to City Clerk's Office ( The Public Submissions portal includes important information for the public with respect to:
o Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (“FOIP” Act), and
o Endorsement statement on Truth & Reconciliation, Anti-Racism, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging.
- Public submissions must be in a form which can be reproduced in the written record of the Public Hearing Meeting of Council.
- Public hearing submissions and other communications from members of the public must:
(a) clearly set out the matter at issue or the request;
(b) use respectful language; and
(c) contain the requestor’s name and a method of contact.
- The name of the public member making a submission to Council, and their comments, will be made publicly available in the Public Hearing Meeting of Council Agenda and Minutes.
- A public submission or communication received by the City Clerk’s Office which does not meet the conditions set out in the Procedure Bylaw may be withheld and the requestor notified if notification is possible.
- No written public submissions will be accepted by the City Clerk’s Office from the public after the advertised submission deadline, and nor will late public submissions be provided to Council by the City Clerk’s Office; however,
o a written submission from an individual or group who make a verbal presentation to Council at the 2024 April 22 Public Hearing Meeting of Council may be accepted into the Corporate Record with the permission of the Chair; or
o an individual or group may contact a Member of Council to make a motion at the 2024 April 22 Public Hearing Meeting of Council to add public submission(s) to the Corporate Record.
- Additional information on how to Participate in public hearings of Council and committee ( is available on
To facilitate the efficiency of a Public Hearing, the Procedure Bylaw 35M2017 [sec. 86(5)] provides that the Chair, in consultation with the City Clerk, may direct that multiple speakers make their submissions in a single panel.
Each speaker in the panel will be permitted to speak for five minutes, and Council will not ask questions until the entire panel has made their submissions, at which time each Member of Council will have five minutes to ask questions of any individual in the panel.

Phone | ||
Booking Meetings Lori Gardner, Executive Assistant |
403-268-1646 |
Community Concerns Ralph Smith, Community Assistant |
403-268-1035 |
Communications Suzy Trottier, Communications & Community Liaison |
403-268-1380 |
Categories: Plebiscite on City Wide Blanket Re-Zoning