About Richard Pootmans
Councillor Richard Pootmans has lived in SW Calgary for 42 years and in Ward 6 for over 10 years. He was formerly elected as Ward 6 Councillor for two terms, from 2010-2017, where his passion grew for advocating for you. After a four-year hiatus, he will bring a re-freshed perspective to his previously held role.
Richard has 28 years of successful business experience, and 13 years of effective public sector community service. For six years he worked with Calgary Economic Development as the Senior Business Development Manager. He developed and successfully executed investment-attraction and business-retention strategies. He completed marketing plans which facilitated 40 corporate expansions and relocations representing over 2 million square feet and 2400 jobs in the Calgary region. He earned his MBA in Finance and Marketing from the Haskayne School of Business; and in 2016 he continued to strengthen his expertise by completing his ICD designation from University of Toronto Rotman School of Management.
Collectively, with his work skills and education, he looks forward to helping maximize economic growth job opportunities for the City of Calgary. In order to achieve results, we will undoubtedly need participation and support from both the private and public sectors. Richard’s experience working at a senior level in both sectors will effectively bring interested parties together to expand our economy.
Richard’s previous Board and Committee experience included 7 years on the Community and Protective Services Committee, as well as being Chair of Audit Committee. Both committees address and resolve your public safety and financial accountability concerns. He supports further internal audit functions to bring forward value for money reports and recommendations for business unit performance improvements and savings monthly.
Councillor Richard Pootmans Current Boards and Committee’s:
Boards & Committee’s 2023-2024 |
Description |
Audit Committee (Vice-Chair) |
Assist Council in fulfilling its oversight and stewardship responsibilities by gaining and maintaining reasonable assurance in relation to:
Support Council's effective decision-making by being involved in a broader governance role through oversight and responsibilities described in Bylaw 33M2020, schedules A, B and C.
Intergovernmental Affairs Committee |
The Intergovernmental Affairs Committee has the following mandate: (a) Preparing representations on the impact of other governments' policies on The City; (b) Co-ordinating long-term growth and development plans between The City and other municipalities; and (c) Building and strengthening Indigenous relations. |
Community Development Committee |
·Connecting, including the following areas: -affordable housing; arts and culture; -community research and strategy; -recreation stewardship and strategy; -recreation, parks and community program planning; -neighbourhood supports; -social programs and supports; -investing partnerships;
· Protecting, including the following areas; -bylaw education and compliance; -transit safety and enforcement; -Calgary 9-1-1; -Emergency management and business continuity; -fire services; -pet ownership and licensing; and -taxi, limousine, and vehicles for hire; · Climate Impact; · Environmental Management; and · Oversight in the fields of telecommunication regulation and City Rights-of-Way agreements and bylaws.
Emergency Management Committee |
The Emergency Management Committee advise Council on the development of emergency plans and programs, as required by Section 11 of the Emergency Management Act. The Chair, in consultation with the Director of Calgary Emergency Management Agency, may call an emergency meeting of the Committee where the Chair considers that an emergency exists or may exist in the City.
Nominations Committee |
The responsibilities of the Nominations Committee include considering and recommending to Council applicants to appoint to Boards, Commissions and Committees (BCCs). The Nominations Committee shall act in accordance with the Governance and Appointments of Boards,Commissions and Committees Policy. The Nominations Committee shall meet from time to time with the frequency required to carry out its duties.
Calgary Metropolitan Regional Board (CMRB) |
The Calgary Metropolitan Region Board shall: a) strive towards consensus regarding matters before the Board, b) promote the long term sustainability of the Calgary Metropolitan Region, c) ensure environmentally responsible land-use planning, growth management and efficient use of land, d) develop policies regarding the coordination of regional infrastructure investment and service delivery, e) promote the economic well-being and competitiveness of the Calgary Metropolitan Region, f) develop policies outlining how the Board shall engage the public on the Growth Plan and the Servicing Plan, and g) be limited in its mandate and role to those powers given to the Board under the Act and this Regulation. In fulfilling its mandate, the Board shall further: a) prepare a Growth Plan, b) prepare a Servicing Plan, c) advise and make recommendations to the Minister regarding the implementation of the Growth Plan and the Servicing Plan, d) facilitate the resolution of issues arising from the preparation and implementation of the Growth Plan and the Servicing Plan, and e) develop and implement policies for the sharing of costs for regional projects of the Calgary Metropolitan Region. The Board may: a) develop policies allowing for the participation of non-members, b) requisition participating municipalities for operating costs related to the operations of the Board, and carry out any other functions and duties as the Minister directs.
Calgary Metropolitan Regional Board Land Use and Servicing Committee (Alternate) |
The Land Use and Servicing Committee is established by the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board (“the Board”). The purpose of the Land Use and Servicing Committee (“the Committee”) is to support the implementation of the Growth and Servicing Plans, and matters related to the Regional Evaluation Framework, once approved by the Minister. The Board may direct the Committee to undertake related additional work or studies. Overall, the Committee is a working committee which makes recommendations to the Board for ultimate approval. The Land Use and Servicing Committee shall oversee, provide advice and recommendations to the Board and CMRB Administration in the areas of: |
Rocky View County and City of Calgary Intermunicipal Committee |
The purpose of the Intermunicipal Committee ("IMC") is to facilitate the ongoing sharing of information between the two municipalities’ elected officials and Administrations. It provides a forum for discussion, issue resolution, and greater intermunicipal cooperation at the elected official level and enables Rocky View County and City of Calgary administrations to receive formal direction from the IMC on topics of mutual interest. The objectives of the Intermunicipal Committee include:
Calgary Economic Development Ltd (CED) |
Calgary Economic Development is the "hands on" "on the ground" organization responsible for undertaking business development activities such as:
The Office is responsible for developing long term Economic Development Strategy. Provides advice to City Council and Administration on the alignment of resource requests from authorities with City funding to the overall Economic Development Strategy. Calgary Economic Development Ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of the City of Calgary.
Opportunity Calgary Investment Fund Ltd. (OCIF) |
The mandate of the Opportunity Calgary Investment Fund ("OCIF") is to manage the OCIF Reserve effectively and in a manner that creates an environment that encourages economic recovery and growth, helps reduce the impact of the economic downturn on members of the community and businesses, and capitalizes on new opportunities to support Calgary's economic success into the future. The purpose of the OCIF is to serve as a catalyst to increase the viability of projects that can facilitate economic development in Calgary in the short, medium and long term. Due to the wide variety and nature of projects that can support economic development, OCIF's governance is arranged to be both nimble and broad, thereby facilitating a greater opportunity to capitalize on potential projects that can support Calgary's economic strategy. OCIF represents one strategic tool at Calgary's disposal to leverage for any future circumstances that can positively impact Calgary's economic development activities.
Past Committees 2021-2023:
- Audit Committee (Chair)
- Executive Committee
- Nominations Committee
- Calgary Film Centre Ltd
- Community Safety Investment Joint-Funding Partnership Working Group
- Inter-Municipal Committee