Business Improvement Areas
During the planned water main repairs the Bowness and Montgomery businesses are continuing to operate during this difficult time. Consider visiting and supporting them.
The following images can be downloaded and shared on social media.
About BIAs
A Business Improvement Area (BIA) is a group of businesses, within a defined geographic area, that work together on local improvements and promote local economic development. Established by municipal bylaw under the Municipal Government Act of Alberta and the BIA Regulation, BIAs are funded by an annual tax which is collected from the area’s businesses by The City and transferred to the BIA board of directors.
BIA purpose
- Improving, beautifying, and maintaining property in the business improvement area
- Developing, improving and maintaining public parking
- Promoting the business improvement area as a business or shopping area.
BIA roles
- BIAs enhance vibrancy and have helped create some of Calgary's best known and most loved neighborhoods.
- BIAs provide input and advocate for policies and planning that support local economic development and vitality.
- BIAs invest in promotion, special events, maintenance, and streetscape improvements within these areas.
- BIAs work collaboratively with The City in delivery of municipal services, operational issues, and strategic planning to support these areas.
Active BIA Change in Boundaries (Expansion) Requests
Proposed Victoria Park BIA Change in Boundaries
The City of Calgary has received a request from the Victoria Park BIA to change (expand) its boundaries:
Changing BIA boundaries is a decision made by City Council. As outlined in the Business Improvement Area Regulation, before City Council decides on the request to change a BIA’s boundaries, business owners within the BIA’s current and proposed boundaries must be given the opportunity to make representations to Council. The opportunity to do this is scheduled for:
City Council Meeting
Date and time: October 8, 2024; meeting commencing at 9:30 a.m.
Location: Council Chamber, Calgary Municipal Building, 800 Macleod Tr. S.E
Website: Participate in public hearings of Council and committee (
For more information about the Victoria Park BIA or the request to change their boundaries, please contact:
Victoria Park BIA
David Low, Executive Director | 403-650-5068
Victoria Park BIA
Avery Cooper, Marketing & Communications Coordinator | 403-650-4757