Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 4 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. We are also asking businesses and residents to reduce indoor water use by 25%.

Learn more



Highlighted Projects

The Heritage Communities Local Area Plan is now being implemented and will continue to guide growth and change in the Plan area.

Find out more about improvements projects happening in your community by expanding any of the following projects:

89 Avenue SW

Enhancements to pedestrian and cycling connectivity to support comfort and safety through a pedestrian bridge connection across 14th Street SW, traffic calming along 89 Avenue SW, and a new multi-use pathway from Elbow Drive SW to Haddon Road SW.

90 Avenue SE / Acadia Drive mobility improvements

Enhancement to pedestrian and cycling connectivity to support comfort and safety through improved connections across 90 Avenue SE and Acadia Drive SE with curb extensions and flashing beacons, and potential conversion of sidewalks to multi-use pathways or dedicated cycling infrastructure.

Macleod Trail S Urban Main Street Area

Undertake a streetscape master plan for key sections of Macleod Trail S to support a comfortable, accessible and safe public realm by including publicly-accessible amenity spaces, wider sidewalks, new trees and seating areas.

Rose Kohn/Jimmie Condon Arena Civic Facility Enhancements

Continue the renovation and modernization work on the Rose Kohn/Jimmie Condon Arena to optimize service provision, accessibility, and sustainability.

Sue Higgins Park Improvements

Enhance the user experience throughout Sue Higgins Park by providing seating areas, lighting, wayfinding signage and weather protective elements along the pathway and other high-use areas such as the Carburn Park pedestrian bridge.

5 Street SW / Haddon Road SW / Sacramento Drive SW Streetscape Desig

The City is currently undertaking a functional design process to improve the walking and wheeling infrastructure along this north-south continuous route positioned within and between strategic growth areas.

Growth and Development

The Heritage Communities Local Area Plan is a living policy document that is consulted alongside the Land Use By-Law, Municipal Development Plan and other City policies when development or redevelopment applications are made by developers, builders, or homeowners.

Visit the Development Map for information and opportunity to share comments on development or redevelopment applications for projects happening in the Heritage Communities or anywhere else in Calgary. Community profiles for each of the Heritage Communities can be found here.

This information has no legal status and cannot be used as an official interpretation of the various bylaws, codes and regulations currently in effect. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Web pages are updated periodically. ​
