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12 Avenue S.W. - Phase 3 Improvements

12 Avenue S.W. - Phase 3 Improvements

Project update - November 2023

We have completed minor improvements and concluded work on the 12 Avenue S.W. – Phase 3 Improvements project.

Over the last month, we have repaired concrete curbs, driveways/sidewalks, asphalt and landscaping, items which were outstanding from our original agreement with our contractor.

We appreciate the community’s patience as we resolved these remaining items, enhancing the safety and accessibility of 12 Avenue S.W.

Project overview

In recent years, The City has been making improvements along the 12 Avenue S.W. corridor. Work completed to date includes upgraded driving lanes between 4 Street and 11 Street S.W. and a western extension of the cycle track between 11 Street to 15 Street S.W. 

Construction on the third phase was initially planned for 2020. The design presented to the community in 2019 required the removal of a significant amount of on-street parking. We decided to pause our 2020 construction plans so the project team could refine the design to preserve some of the on-street parking along 12 Avenue S.W. while keeping the intent of the project and providing more travel options. 

The revised final design, with retained on-street parking, can be seen here:

From 17 to 19 St. S.W. to 10 Ave. S.W.

From 17 to 14 St. S.W.

Frequently Asked Questions


When did Phase 3 improvements construction occur?

Construction occurred between mid-July and mid-October, 2021.

Why didn’t construction happen in 2020?

Construction on 12 Avenue S.W. was originally planned for 2020. The initial design included the removal of a significant amount of street parking between 15 Street and 19 Street S.W. We decided to take extra time to make revisions that preserve some of the on-street parking while keeping the intent of the project and providing more travel options along the corridor. As this technical work takes time, and construction is weather-dependent, it was not feasible to complete the work before the end of the 2020 construction season.

Is this project related to construction completed along 12 Avenue S.W. in 2019?

Work on Phase 1 and Phase 2 was completed in October 2019. Several improvements made along the corridor included:

  • Extending the dedicated lane for people cycling from 11 Street to 15 Street S.W.
  • Adding bicycle turn boxes at 12 Avenue and 11 Street S.W.
  • Improving travel time for drivers by providing three uninterrupted driving lanes for morning rush hour.
  • Removing the rush hour parking restriction on the north side of 12 Avenue between 15 Street and 16 Street S.W.
  • Providing a loading stall on the east side of 12 Street S.W., just north of 12 Avenue S.W.

Check out the maps for the improvements we completed in Phases  2:


What changes were made to parking and loading along the corridor?

To allow for smooth and predictable traffic flow, on-street parking on the south side of the roadway remains. Some of the on-street parking on the north side also remains, however, short sections are now designated as Loading Zones to ensure emergency services can continue to have access to both sides of the street. 


What engagement was done for 12 Avenue S.W. improvements?

Public engagement for 12 Avenue S.W. improvements was conducted in 2019. Read the What We Heard report to learn more.

Initial Phase 3 designs were presented to the community in late 2019. As a result of continued community concern regarding the availability of on-street parking, we did more technical work on the design in 2020. Construction was completed in fall 2021.

Cycle tracks

Why was 12 Avenue South chosen as a cycle track corridor?

A number of corridors, or groupings of streets, were identified for the Centre City study area based on the idea that a single cycle track within the corridor would be able to appropriately serve the demand for that specific area. For each corridor, a number of potential cycle track alignments were identified.

These alignments were based on current best practices in North American bicycle planning and design, understanding of the local context, and feedback received during the ongoing engagement. These cycle track alignments (combining a street selection and facility layout) were then evaluated based on a set of technical criteria including connections to key destinations, existing and future bicycle demand, impact on other modes, conflicts at driveways and transit stops, and cost and constructability. Based on this analysis, 12 Avenue was selected to serve the demand for an east/west corridor in the north part of the Beltline. Additional background information can be found in the Centre City Cycle Track Network- Development and recommendations report.

Where can I learn more about cycle tracks?

You can learn more about the types of cycle tracks and bike lanes and tips for cycling in Calgary here.

What do I need to know about clearing snow from a sidewalk beside a cycle track?

We have tips on snow-clearing a sidewalk beside a cycle track. Please review this information and share with contractors.

Future extensions

What about a cycle track extension on the east end (Olympic Way S.E. to the Elbow River)?

This year, the east extension of the 12 Avenue S.E., from Olympic Way S.E. to the Elbow River Pathway, will be converted into a temporary adaptive roadway to help provide Calgarians with the space needed to safely walk, run, skateboard and cycle.

Given the close proximity to the new Calgary Event Centre, the east extension cycle track will be led by Calgary Municipal Land Corporation (CMLC).  To keep updated on this project, please visit the Calgary Municipal Land Corporation website.

A more detailed design concept can also be seen here.  

Phase 3 improvements in 2021 include:

  • Extending the two-way cycle track facility on the north side of 12 Avenue S.W. from 15 Street to 19 Street S.W., and then on the east side of 19 Street S.W. from 12 Avenue to 10 Avenue S.W.
  • Providing a dedicated cycling facility for all ages and abilities, separated from vehicular traffic by a raised concrete median.
  • Using the on-street cycle track to physically narrow the roadway, reducing vehicle speeds and improving safety of pedestrians/cyclists.
  • Retaining one vehicle lane on 12 Avenue S.W. between 15 Street and 19 Street S.W. to preserve some of the on-street parking on 12 Avenue S.W.
  • Retaining one south-bound vehicle lane on 19 Street S.W., from 10 Avenue to 12 Avenue S.W., with parking consolidated to the west side of 19 Street S.W.
  • Improving sidewalk ramps at most intersections to line up with pathway routes crossing the street.
  • Removing two channelized right-turn islands at 10 Avenue and 19 Street S.W. and at 12 Avenue and 18 Street S.W. to reduce turning speeds, shorten pedestrian crossing distances and improve sightlines.
  • Adding a new traffic signal at 10 Avenue and 19 Street S.W. to facilitate crossings on 10 Avenue S.W.
  • Adding a connection for pedestrians and cyclists to the Bow River Pathway.

Additionally, surface overlay repaving along 19 Street S.W. occurred this year.

Stay connected

Fast Facts

  • 12 Avenue is one of the top five busiest bikeways in Calgary.
  • Since 2015, approximately 1 million bicycle trips have been made on 12 Avenue near the 8 Street S.W. count station.


Public engagement was conducted in spring 2019. In total, we talked to 260 people and over 60 businesses through the open house events, door knocking sessions and online. Thank you to all who provided input. Information from the previous engagement session is available.

Related links

Related projects

Learn more about other projects happening in the area.

This information has no legal status and cannot be used as an official interpretation of the various bylaws, codes and regulations currently in effect. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Web pages are updated periodically. ​
