4th Avenue Flyover Rehabilitation
Thank you for your patience while we make improvements to the 4th Avenue Flyover Bridge.

Project Update - February 2025
Upcoming Closure Notice
The 4th Avenue Flyover will need to fully close temporarily to complete repairs sustained by a vehicular incident. A section of the bridge’s barriers and rails sustained damage in the incident and require repairs, however the bridge is still safe to use.
To complete the repairs, and stay on track for completion in late 2025, the bridge will fully close at night for two days:
- February 13 beginning at 9 p.m., until February 14 at 5 a.m., and
- February 14 beginning at 9 p.m., until February 15 at 5 a.m.
Regular construction will resume on February 15, reopening one lane to traffic.
Though the impacts of this unexpected closure are anticipated to be minimal, we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience while we perform the necessary repairs.
About the project
The 4th Avenue flyover was built in 1982. This flyover carries two lanes of traffic towards 3rd Street S.E. As one of the main routes into downtown, the overall structure spans 430-meters crossing over the Bow River.
Originally built in 1982, Calgary’s longest bridge structure, the 4th Avenue Flyover needs major repairs and improvements after 42 years of daily service for motorists entering the Downtown. The City is investing $12.5 million to help ensure the bridge continues to be functional, reliable, and in good condition for commuter use for decades to come. Construction will begin in early April 2024 and is anticipated to be complete by late fall 2025.
Throughout construction, there may be lane closures of underpass roads for overhead work. These closures will be temporary and during off-peak hours.
Partial and temporary closures within Flyover Park are necessary during construction to prioritize public safety. We will install temporary fencing as needed. Our goal is to minimize disruptions and keep the park accessible to the public whenever possible. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and we appreciate your patience during construction.
Overlooking 4th Avenue Flyover
Underneath 4th Avenue Flyover
Daytime photo of the west-side barrier
Overlooking 4th Avenue Flyover and Flyover Park
Night photo overlooking 4th Avenue Flyover - traffic heading into downtown
Night photo of the west-side flyover barrier
Scope of work
The project scope of work includes:
- rebuilding existing concrete barriers and adding lighting
- replacing existing concrete paving overlay with a polymer modified asphalt (PMA) overlay
- replacing existing expansion joints, and other general concrete repairs across the structure
The project benefits include:
- improving the condition of the flyover, including the addition of streetlights.
- extending the service life of the flyover by roughly 35 years.
- improving one critical link in the transportation network to help with Calgary's continued growth in the coming years.
Project timeline
- Design Completion: 2023
- Tender to Market:
October 2023 - Construction Start:
Spring 2024 - Construction Completion: Anticipated - late fall 2025
Construction activities are dependent on several factors. Timelines may change due to inclement weather, complexity, supply chain, and/or other unexpected circumstances.
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Contact Us
Have questions or want to learn more about the projects? Contact the project team at: 4aveflyoverrehab@calgary.ca
Estimated Budget: $12.5 million
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Why is 4th Avenue Flyover in need of repair?
Ongoing regular maintenance along with timely major rehabilitations are important to keep bridges/flyovers safe and reliable, while minimizing future costs and extending the service life of this type of structure. The project should greatly improve one critical link in the transportation network. These types of improvements help with Calgary's continued growth in the coming decades.
Why is this work taking so long?
We have coordinated the project schedule to minimize impacts to Calgarians and visitors as much as possible. We understand this rehabilitation will impact commuters and to lessen these impacts, we plan to continue work during the winter without pause throughout the colder months. By doing so, we hope to accelerate our repair work and pending no unexpected circumstances, we may be able to complete the work sooner.
Will you close lanes underneath the bridge (on Memorial Drive/Edmonton Trail/Riverfront Avenue)?
Throughout construction, there may be off-peak lane closures of underpass roads for overhead work.
How will this affect Emergency Services and Transit?
Access for Emergency Services and Transit will be maintained except during the full closures. Detour routes will be planned.
Will Flyover Park stay open during construction?
Partial and temporary closures will be needed throughout construction to ensure public safety. Closures will only be implemented when needed as it is our goal to keep the park open as much as possible for public use.