Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 4 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. We are also asking businesses and residents to reduce indoor water use by 25%.

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Bridgeland Riverside Area Improvements

Bridgeland Riverside area improvements

About the projects

We are working collaboratively to integrate multiple construction projects in the area to ensure holistic, thoughtful collaboration. Coordinating individual projects with a comprehensive approach ensures timely communication and minimized construction impacts. Each project has the shared objective of improving and maintaining the vibrant neighbourhoods within the communities of Bridgeland Riverside.

Understanding that construction projects have an impact on the communities we live and work in – we are focused on minimizing impacts while balancing the construction work that needs to get done. Thank you for your patience while we make our city more resilient, accessible, and vibrant for everyone. 

2022-2025 construction projects

Projects included in the scope

Active Mode Connections

Through past public engagement on projects in Bridgeland, including the 1 Avenue N.E. Streetscape Master Plan Project, we've heard some comments on issues and opportunities relating to mobility in the community.

We’re exploring improvements to walking and wheeling (bike, scooter, skateboard) connections around the Bridgeland LRT Station, along 9 Street N.E. and McDougall Road, as well as 12 Street N.E. so that people have better access to destinations within the community and to the LRT station.

The East Riverside Master Plan proposes:

  • Improved pedestrian access between 1 avenue N.E. and the c-train station
  • Improving north-south connections for those accessing 1 avenue N.E. from riverside or the c-train station
  • Increased density in the area through mid-rise residential development (provides a more critical mass to take advantage of the improved public realm and support businesses in the area)

Bridgeland Main Streets

Bridgeland Main Streets is made up of two phases: Edmonton Trail and 1 Avenue N.E. The phases were built off the master plans for these areas with the same names. The first phase, Edmonton Trail, was funded and went into construction in 2022 and is expected to be complete by Fall 2023.

The funding request for the construction of the second phase has been finalized and funding is approved, construction is expected to start in the spring of 2023.

The Bridgeland Main Streets project will connect businesses, the community, residents, and visitors while highlighting the unique qualities and character of the community.

When construction is finished, you can expect to see:

  • Wider sidewalks
  • More plants and trees
  • Upgraded street lighting
  • New crosswalks with wheelchair ramps complete with tactile plates
  • Improved travel lanes for people wheeling and driving

Bridgeland-Riverside Multimodal Pedestrian Bridge

The Bridgeland-Riverside Multimodal Pedestrian Bridge is a community-initiated project aimed at connecting the community back to the river. It will provide a direct and inclusive multimodal connection from 9th ST N.E. to the Regional Pathway, St. Patrick’s Island and beyond.

This project will support active modes of transportation, improve accessibility, and create a new destination along the river. The bridge will serve as a gateway to the Bridgeland-Riverside community that is bursting with opportunities for people to come and experience.

12 St N.E. Mobility Improvements

The City monitors bikeways and pathways and identified the 12 Street N.E. bridge for upgrades due to recent residential development at the east end of Bridgeland and a potential correlated increase in active mode users. This work also supports updated accessibility and transportation standards. Ensuring accessible, safe, and diverse modes of transportation is key to improving our City.

This project will provide:

  • A wider sidewalk for walking and wheeling
  • Improved pedestrian crossings
  • Better connection within the pathway and bikeway network 

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Bridgeland-Riverside background

History of Bridgeland-Riverside

For over a century, 1 Avenue N.E. has been the commercial corridor for the community of Bridgeland-Riverside. Sections of 4 Street N.E. and Edmonton Trail have been a crucial connection to downtown Calgary. Established below the escarpment on the north side of the Bow River, the area known as Bridgeland-Riverside is the traditional territory of the Blackfoot people and is on Treaty 7 territory like all of Calgary. 4 Street N.E. was once part of the Old North Trail, an ancient north-south migration trail for first peoples which became known as Edmonton Trail after Fort Calgary (now called The Confluence Historic Site & Parkland) was established in 1875. It was an important commercial route for the hay and fur trades, with stagecoach service after 1883.

The future of Bridgeland-Riverside

Bridgeland-Riverside’s central location and rich history, coupled with its vital connection to the downtown core, highlights its significance as an integral community in Calgary. Investing in the future of the Bridgeland-Riverside area is fundamental in supporting growth and enhancing connectivity, safety, and accessibility for years to come.

This information has no legal status and cannot be used as an official interpretation of the various bylaws, codes and regulations currently in effect. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Web pages are updated periodically. ​
