Bridgeland Main Street
Project updates
November 2024
Thank you for your continued support and patience in 2024, we have reached the end of the 2024 construction season for Bridgeland Main Street.
In 2024, we completed the streetscape improvements and infrastructure upgrades: on the north side of 1 Avenue N.E. between 6 Street to 7A Street N.E. and from 8A Street to 11 Street N.E.; also, improvements were made on the south side of 1 Avenue N.E. between 7A Street to 9A Street N.E. Additionally, five intersections along 2 Avenue N.E. were upgraded in 2024 as part of the Bridgeland Main Street project. This included widening sidewalks and upgrading street lighting to improve pedestrian safety, providing street furniture to enhance pedestrian comfort, beautifying the area with the addition of new naturalized turfs, decorative grasses, and new trees.
Check out some photos of the work we completed this year:
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Do you have a specific question about the Bridgeland Main Street Construction project?
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Looking ahead
Construction for Main Streets improvements is anticipated to begin again in the Spring of 2025 and will continue through for the entire construction season. We are aiming to have all project construction completed in the Fall/Winter of 2025.
The map indicates areas where improvements were made in 2023 and 2024, and the planned improvements for 2025.
What to expect through Construction
1 Avenue and 2 Avenue N.E.
- Sidewalk closures and detours ensure pedestrians and cyclists can travel safely through the area and still access their destinations.
- We will work directly with individual businesses to minimize the impacts of construction and provide continued access to their property as much as possible.
Bridgeland Main Street construction progress in 2024 map.
- Ongoing investment in development
- Operations and maintenance
- Phase 1 (Edmonton Trail) 2022-2023
- Phase 2 (1 Ave. N.E.) 2023-2025
- Construction of designs based on streetscape master plan
- Pedestrian safety measures implemented
- Detailed design work complete
- Community engagement
- Bridgeland Streetscape Master Plan completed and approved
- Land use redesignation and infrastructure assessment
- Public engagement and market studies
Project scope
The 1 Avenue N.E. Main Street underwent the “design” step of the Main Streets program in 2018 and 2019. Based on community feedback, technical analysis, and financial considerations, we created a plan to support the needs identified by the community.
Phase Two of the Bridgeland Main Street project involves operational and streetscape improvements along 1 Avenue N.E. from 4 Street to 11 Street, and along 2 Avenue N.E. between 6 Street N.E. to 10 Street N.E.
Work includes:
Please see the Roll Plot for more detailed information:
- 4 Street N.E. to 6A Street N.E.
- 6A Street N.E. to 8A Street N.E.
- 8A Street to 11 Street N.E.

Bridgeland Main Street – Phase 2 – 1 and 2 Avenues N.E.
- A focus on urban design and placemaking.
- Enhanced pedestrian safety and comfort.
- Improved mobility options, including transit and cycling.
- A design that is uniquely “Bridgeland-Riverside” and reflects its heritage and community identity.
- Improved connections to park spaces and amenities.
- Enhancing the community’s Main Street as a destination that will support existing and new local businesses.
A rendering of what 1 Avenue may look like can be found here.
The City developed a Streetscape Master Plan for Bridgeland based on citizen feedback, technical analysis, and financial considerations.
The vision for the Bridgeland Main Streets project is to build a streetscape that includes well-designed, quality public realm elements and public space, that prioritize the pedestrian experience and will support ongoing redevelopment and a thriving economic environment. Once complete, it will offer a variety of safe, accessible mobility connections, new community gathering spaces, and a uniquely Bridgeland character.
The key features of Bridgeland Main Streets are:
- Prioritize pedestrian safety
- Enhanced landscaping for pedestrian comfort
- Unique streetscape elements
- New opportunities for community gathering
- Improved mobility options

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Project information
What’s the goal of this project? What is The City trying to accomplish?
The Bridgeland Main Streets (BMS) project is improving sidewalks, intersections, and other public areas so the community is safe, accessible, and connected as it continues to evolve. Once complete, Calgarians will be able to shop, visit, and explore the community with ease and convenience.
How will this project address my property value?
Once complete, BMS will provide safe and accessible mobility connections, and new community gathering spaces. These improvements are expected to boost the local economy by attracting new businesses and investments.
To find out more information on how your property value is assessed please visit: Property Assessment (
Why are some streets in Bridgeland not included in the project?
Due to budget and resource limitations, the Main Streets project is focusing on five intersections for new curb extension installations. After these improvements are complete, we will explore options to stop controls in the area to improve comfort and flow along 2 Avenue N.E. for pedestrians and cyclists.
Why are some roadways being narrowed?
One of our key project objectives is to reduce vehicle speeds and improve pedestrian safety along the 1 Avenue N.E. corridor. By widening sidewalks and adding curb extensions, we aim to reduce conflicts between drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians while also ensuring the accommodating of larger vehicles and buses. These curb extensions improve visibility for both pedestrians and vehicles while lowering vehicle speeds.
Why is this project focusing on non-vehicle changes when traffic is congested?
Main Streets projects encourage Calgarians to explore their communities through a variety of safe, accessible walking and wheeling connections. During engagement with the community, we heard and noted the vision and principles (below).
- Adding more trees and vegetation
- Improving the sidewalks and lighting
- Incorporating character features unique to this community
- Improved pedestrian crossings
- More options for seating and benches
These ideas, along with our project goals, guided our decision choices. Our project team has used engineering expertise along with data to review Bridgeland-Riverside’s transportation network.
Construction information
Will there be road closures and detours during construction?
Yes, there will be temporary closures of some streets and sidewalks. These localized closures are necessary to keep contractors, and the area, safe while they work. For detailed information about closures, detours, and other construction impacts, please refer to the Project Updates section of this page.
How will the design impact traffic flow, volume, and congestion?
- On select blocks of 1 Avenue N.E. where active construction is happening, drivers will be detoured around to adjacent local roads (2 and Centre Avenues N.E.). We will close one direction of traffic in these areas and redirect vehicle traffic around the closure.
- Pedestrians will have safe access along 1 Avenue N.E. with barriers, temporary ramps, and wayfinding signage to notify the community. We will ensure Calgarians can continue to access their favourite local businesses and organizations using temporary walkways or ramps.
- We know that construction and detours can be impactful to a community. We will work with our colleagues, partners, and contractor to balance these impacts with completing construction safely and efficiently. This way, the community can still be enjoyed during construction, and enjoyed even more with new improvements once Bridgeland Main Streets is complete.
When will construction be finished?
We aim to finish construction by the end of 2025, depending on the weather and other site constraints that may arise. This means the major, more road and sidewalk work will be largely done. We’ll be working on weather-dependent items like planting trees and finalizing street furniture in 2026. These final refinements will be less impactful in terms of detours and closures. You can find our anticipated construction timeline and updates in the Project Updates section of this webpage.
We look forward to celebrating the completion of the project with the community!
Why are there times when no crews are actively working within a construction zone?
- Construction happens in stages and is often involves multiple specialized contractors or trades. As with all types of construction, certain work must be completed before other types of work can begin.
- While every effort is made to align contractors and maintain work continuity within construction zones, factors such as weather, underground conditions or crew, material and equipment availability can impact workflow and scheduling.
- To keep the work area safe and protected for pedestrians and drivers, safety barriers and detours may be left in place when crews are not active on site (for instance, outside of work hours or between work phases). Keeping barriers up also helps to expedite construction when crews arrive, by reducing the time required to set up the work zone.
What can I expect for business access and parking during construction?
Our team is committed to ensuring Calgarians can easily access and support Bridgeland-Riverside businesses. To complete construction quickly and efficiently and return service to the public as soon as possible, some driveways and accesses may be fully closed for a few weeks to rebuild new driveways. We will work with businesses and impacted properties to review opportunities to maintain access during construction for critical operational needs for pick-ups, deliveries, and more.
On-street parking will be available where possible, but temporary restrictions may be necessary to support construction activities. We are working closely with the Bridgeland-Riverside BIA to make sure everyone knows the community is still open for business.
How will landscaping maintenance (watering, weeding, etc.) be handled after construction?
The new landscaping will be managed by our contractor for three years following installation, as it is under warranty during this period. After construction is complete, maintenance responsibilities will transfer to the City of Calgary’s mobility teams.
Related links
Past reports and engagements
- Bridgeland Area Redevelopment Plan
- Strategize Phase – What We Heard Report – 2015
- Strategize Phase – Local Viewpoint Map - 2015
- Planning Phase – What We Heard Report – 2016
- Planning Phase – Land Use Changes/Character Home Incentive District – 2017
- Design Phase – What We Heard Report – June 2018
- Design Phase - What We Heard Report - March 2019
- Design Phase - What We Heard Report - July 2019
- Design Phase - Streetscape Master Plan