Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 4 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. We are also asking businesses and residents to reduce indoor water use by 25%.

Learn more

Project update - August 2024

We have an update for you regarding the 26 Avenue S.W. project between 37 Street S.W. and 14 Street S.W.

In May 2023, we shared that we were conducting online public engagement for this project. In November 2023, we published the recommended concept in the What We Did Report.

The recommended concept will be used to build:

  • On-street wheeling lanes west of 25 Street. (blue segment on map below)
  • Multi-use pathways on both sides along the bridge section. (purple segment on map below)
  • A multi-use pathway on the north side of 26 Avenue, east of 25 Street. (red segment on map below)

(click to download image)

The full funding to build the project has now been secured and we will be moving forward with the detailed design phase. We anticipate construction to begin in 2025 and it will align with the road repaving work. 

We appreciate your interest in this project to make 26 Avenue S.W. safer and accessible for everyone.  

Should you have questions about the project, please reach out to

About the project

This project is part of the Established Area Growth and Change Strategy. This program provides funding to support short-term (1-3 years) public space improvement projects in established communities where growth and change are happening.

The Strategy connects planning, financial and investment decisions to provide the assistance that established communities need to support growth that is currently taking place.

We are making changes to 26 Avenue S.W. between Sarcee Trail and 14 Street S.W. to improve public spaces and enhance connections for people walking, wheeling, and taking transit. 26 Avenue S.W. connects eight communities, including nine schools and over 50 businesses. 

Your input

The City engaged the public to collect feedback on both 26 Avenue S.W. & Buckmaster Park over Summer 2021. Due to COVID-19, most engagement efforts were virtual, resulting in 3,921 citizen visits to our Engage website and a total of 350 contributions. From this feedback, we compiled a What We Heard Report.

We heard from participants that the road is used frequently as a commuter corridor for school, work, errands, and recreational activities. There were concerns about the state of the road, sidewalks, and visibility at certain intersections making it difficult for people walking, cycling and driving to see clearly when trying to cross.

We heard about the need for more crosswalks, improved infrastructure, and to ensure attention is paid to multiple modes of transportation. Results from the engagement can be found later in this report.

Stay connected

Sign up for email updates on this project and others happening in the community through our West Elbow Community Improvements newsletter.

This information has no legal status and cannot be used as an official interpretation of the various bylaws, codes and regulations currently in effect. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Web pages are updated periodically. ​
