Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 4 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. We are also asking businesses and residents to reduce indoor water use by 25%.

Learn more

Project update - March 2023

In 2022, we installed curb extensions, traffic calming infrastructure, and pathway improvements to improve accessibility and safety for those walking and wheeling throughout the community.

In 2023, minor landscaping work will be completed to supplement last year’s work. 

About the project

This project is part of the Established Area Growth and Change Strategy. This program provides funding to support short-term (1-3 years) public space improvement projects in established communities where growth and change are happening.

The Strategy connects planning, financial and investment decisions to provide the assistance that established communities need to support growth that is currently taking place.

The goal of this project is to improve existing conditions for people walking and wheeling and upgrading park and recreation infrastructure. Improvements include:

  • upgrading walkways
  • adding missing pathway connections
  • implementing traffic calming

Your input

The project team met with stakeholders in November 2021 and public engagement was held online from November 29 - December 15, with two virtual open house events.

The project team shared the overall designs and participants provided feedback, which can be found in the What We Heard Report.

During engagement, we heard support for improving walkways, mixed feedback on the proposed traffic calming improvements, and interest in design changes to the bike paths/lane.

Proposed improvements include upgrading walkways, adding missing pathway connections, implementing traffic calming measures, and more.


  • Final design - Spring 2022
  • Construction - 2022

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