Flammable and Combustible Tanks Permits
The Calgary Fire Department is the authority in Calgary for the installation, removal or alteration of all tanks that contain Class I, II and IIIA flammable and combustible liquids.
These requirements also apply to tanks that contain windshield washer antifreeze, that has been classified as a Class 1C flammable liquid.
You can learn more about liquid classifications in the National Fire Code - Alberta Edition. Please refer to Division B, Part Four: "Only individuals approved by the Provincial Fire Administrator are permitted to install, remove, repair or maintain storage tank systems".
To report a leak of 200 litres or more, call 9-1-1
If you have a tank system that isn’t registered with The City of Calgary, or if you have any questions about the correct permits and applications for your tank, please email tanks@calgary.ca.
When are permits required?
Permits are required for the installation, removal, or alteration of any flammable or combustible liquid storage tank systems with a capacity greater than 230 litres. This includes outside aboveground storage tanks (AST), underground storage tanks (UST), inside building storage tanks (BST) and waste-oil storage tanks (WST).
How soon do I need a permit?
You need to have a permit before the installation, removal or alteration of a storage tank system. If you don’t have a permit you will be in violation of the Safety Codes Act of Alberta which can result in fines and/or jail time.
Annual Tank Inspection
You will require an annual tank inspection if your tank system:
- Has a capacity of 2500 litres or more and contains a Class I, II or IIIA liquid
- Is underground, including any associated components
The Calgary Fire Department must inspect your tank annually in order for you to receive the Annual Operator’s Certificate.
As stated in the National Fire Code – Alberta Edition, operators of self-service outlets, fuel-dispensing stations and marine fuel-dispensing stations shall ensure that a weekly inspection is conducted of:
- Dispensing unit hoses and nozzles to ensure safe operation
- Dispensing unit pumps and fittings to determine if there are any leaks
- Fill boxes and fill pipe areas for product spillage
- Storage tank vents to ensure piping or openings are not blocked or damaged
- $84 + GST (per tank)
- Payment can be made online using an eBill account
If you require an annual tank inspection, please email tankannuals@calgary.ca.
Please email us with any changes to your site contact, billing contact or any alterations to or removal of tanks.

New Tank Installation & Registration
You must obtain a permit BEFORE installing a tank.
Please fill in the New Tank Installation Application Form FD1507 and submit it to tanks@calgary.ca
Please refer to the appropriate documents below before applying:

Applications require drawings which are stamped by a registered engineer permitted to practice in Alberta if:
- The tank capacity is 8000 litres or more
- The combined capacity of the tanks exceeds 20,000 litres
- The tanks are underground storage tanks or any associated piping is underground
- The tanks are inside a building
Tanks with a capacity of 2500 litres and above, or any new tank system with underground components, will require an annual inspection.
- Initial Review & Removal: $288 + GST
- Additional Review(s): $112 + GST
- Payment can be made online using an eBill account
Tank Alterations & Removals
Tank Alterations
If you wish to alter a storage tank system, including gas dispensers and associated underground piping, you will require a permit before work can commence. Please fill out Form FD1508 and email it to tanks@calgary.ca.
Exceptions may include dispenser nozzles and attached hoses, screen and payment systems.
- $288 + GST
- Payment can be made online using an eBill account
Underground Storage Tank Removal
If you wish to remove an underground storage tank, please fill out Form FD1508 and email it to tanks@calgary.ca before work commences. Once the underground storage tank has been removed, please complete Decommissioning Report (FD1509) and send it to tanks@calgary.ca
- $288 + GST
- Payment can be made online using an eBill account
Change of Ownership
All tanks must be registered with the Calgary Fire Department. Transferring or updating a tank registration is the responsibility of the new owner. Please fill out Form1510 and email to tanks@calgary.ca to let us know of changes to the registration of your tank system.
If you take ownership of a business with a tank that contains Class I, II or IIIA flammable and combustible liquids, please contact tanks@calgary.ca for further information and direction.