Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 4 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. We are also asking businesses and residents to reduce indoor water use by 25%.

Learn more

The Calgary Fire Department is the authority in Calgary for the installation, removal or alteration of flammable and combustible liquid storage tanks and the annual compliance certification of tanks that were previously registered by the Petroleum Tank Management Association of Alberta (PTMAA). You can learn what classifies as a flammable or combustible liquid in the National Fire Code – Alberta Edition 2019 (NFC-AE) Division B Article Classification.

These requirements also apply to tanks that contain wind​shield washer antifreeze. Windshield washer antifreeze has been classified as a 1C flammable liquid.

Please review the information below. If you have further questions, please call 311 and ask for a ‘Technical Services Review’ request to be created on your behalf.

When are permits required?

Permits are required for the installation, removal, or alteration of any flammable or combustible liquid storage tanks with a capacity greater than 230 litres. This includes outside aboveground storage tanks (AST), underground storage tanks (UST), inside building storage tanks (BST), and waste-oil storage tanks (WST).

How soon do I need a permit?

You need to have a permit before the installation, removal, or alteration of a storage tank. If you don’t have a permit you will be in violation of the Safety Codes Act of Alberta which can result in fines and/or jail time.

Permit process

Follow these steps to obtain a permit:

  1. Complete the Application to Install/Remove/Alter Storage Tank Systems form. Small tanks may require an alternate form – see the Exemption section below. 

  2. Submit a completed application to Send the required documentation and details to the address listed in our required documentation PDF. The entire package, including application forms, can also be emailed to

  3. We will review your documentation to verify that you are in full compliance with the National Fire Code (Alberta Edition). If you are in compliance, a storage tank installation permit will be issued. We do charge fees to review plans, please see below.

  4. Installation of the storage tank can begin as per the approved plans. In accordance with the National Fire Code - 2019 Alberta Edition, only individuals who are approved by the provincial Fire Administrator are permitted to install, remove, repair or conduct precision tests on petroleum storage tanks and equipment. Standata 19-FCI-018 was issued August 2020 to provide guidance on certification of contractors.

  5. When the installation is complete, a site inspection is required PRIOR to the storage tank being filled. Any Storage Tank Systems with underground components will require additional progress inspections.

  6. Once the final inspection of the installation has been completed, a letter of approval and a storage tank certificate will be issued, unless step 7 (below) applies.

  7. Effective August 31, 2020, Alberta Safety Codes Authority implemented a Storage Tank Inventory Control system for unaccredited areas of the province only, to replace the previous storage tank registration system (Standata 19-FCI-015).

    Calgary Fire Department is accredited (National Fire Code – Alberta Edition 2019 enforcement), and therefore responsible for all Storage Tank Inventory Control system requirements within the City of Calgary.

    For tanks having a capacity of 2500 litres and above, or any new tank system with underground components, a Storage Tank System Registration form (FD1441 listed below) must also be submitted. Once received and reviewed, a Storage Tank System Operator’s Certificate FD1449 will be issued, allowing the tank to receive product. Please note, existing systems do not need to complete this registration form as the Calgary Fire Department holds information received from PTMAA. It will be verified in the inspection conducted in step 8.

    This certificate will be valid for a period of one year from the date of issue. At least 30 days prior to expiry, the tank system owner (or representative) must call 311 to book a “Tank Inspection”. Receiving product (flammable/combustible liquids) without a valid Certificate could result in penalties under the Safety Codes Act.

  8. The Calgary Fire Department carry out site inspections of any existing tank system included in the scope of step 7. You are also required to submit a Storage Tank System Operators Certificate Application (FD1442) in the annual reapplication process. Please send it to All records, as required by NFC-AE 2019, must be available upon request by the AHJ. This may include (but is not limited to) periodic testing and inventory control records. A fee will be levied for this inspection and certificate.

    Operators who were required to hold a valid PTMAA registration certificate prior to June 8, 2020, must retain/display this certificate for record. This certificate will be used to receive/store product, until a compliant site inspection outlined above is completed by the Calgary Fire Department. These tank compliance inspections are ongoing throughout 2021/22. The impact of COVID-19 has significantly delayed our inspection abilities for these tank systems but until an inspection of your storage tank system has been completed by a qualified (Petroleum Tank (Level E) Safety Codes Officer from the Calgary Fire Department, your previous PTMAA certificate can still be used for continued tank usage.

  9. Should you have further questions, please email

Required documents

When you submit your application for a permit you will need to also submit a variety of documentation for review, which can include three sets of professional drawings. Check the sheets below for the list of required documents.

Professional drawings

Plans, drawings, and specifications need to be submitted in a legible and complete format unless the exemption below applies to your tank. They also require the stamp and seal of a professional engineer who is licensed to practice in Alberta. The plans, drawings, and specifications need to contain sufficient information to allow a Fire Safety Codes Officer to verify full compliance with the National Fir​e Code (Alberta Edition) during an examination of the plans and site inspections.

Exemption - when is a stamp and seal not needed?

A Safety Codes Officer is permitted to review storage tank plans, drawings, and specifications that don’t have an engineered stamp. This only applies to:

  • Individual storage tanks installed outdoors with a capacity less than 8,000 L (including compartments)
  • Tank installations with aggregate capacity less than 20,000 L where all storage tanks and piping are above ground and visible for inspection.

If this applies to your tank then fill out and submit the Small Tank Permit Application to If the Officer determines that the installation is of a complex nature, stamped drawings from an engineer may be required.

Penalties for failure to comply?

Failure to comply with the National Fire Code (Alberta Edition) can result in fines and even jail time as outlined in the Safety Codes Act. Failure to comply applies to:

  • Failure to get the necessary permits prior to installing, removing or altering a storage tank.
  • Filling and using a storage tank that contains flammable or combustible liquids, without having a final inspection completed or having prior approval to fill it.

If you are found guilty of non-compliance the consequences can be:

  • For a first offence:
    • Fines up to $100,000 and up to $1,000 for each day where the offense continues and/or
    • Imprisonment for up to 6 months
  • For second offence:
    • Fines up to $500,000 and up to $2,000 for each day where the offence continues and/or
    • Imprisonment up to 12 months

Fee schedule

All plans, drawings and specifications listed as per the National Fire Code 2019, Alberta Edition, with reference to the installation, alteration or removal of flammable and combustible liquid storage tanks or systems (underground, above ground; located inside and outside of buildings) are to be reviewed for approval by the City of Calgary Fire Department – Technical Services and will be subject to the fee schedule as noted below.

  • Tank & Tank Systems Installation/Alteration Initial Review & Removal: $279 + GST
  • Tank & Tank Systems Additional Review(s): $109 + GST
  • Additional Inspections (if non-compliant on initial inspection): $279 + GST
  • Annual Operator's Certificate: $82 + GST
  • Safety Codes Council Levy: $12 (No GST)

Submit forms

Plans that are to be reviewed for approval by Technical Services will be emailed to:

When submitting the application please provide:

Company or Business name
Contact information (individual responsible for the submitted plan)
Email Address / Fax number

Please refer to the attached tank drawings information sheet for the required information and details required for the approval process. Once the review and approval has been completed, you will be contacted by this office for pickup.

Please do not submit payment with the plans. An invoice will be issued when the plan review is completed.

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