Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 4 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. We are also asking businesses and residents to reduce indoor water use by 25%.

Learn more

Asset collecting, connecting and weaving

Module 5 Asset collecting, connecting, and weaving

Learning objectives

This module will help illustrate the important difference between asset mapping,  connecting and weaving. It includes detailed information on types of assets and where to find them. After completing this module, you will be able to go beyond creating an asset map and connect assets in a manner that allows communities to do for themselves and what supports you and your organization can do.

Put it into practice

Local story | Residents share skills in Falconridge-Castleridge

Residents in Falconridge-Castleridge were supported by their Community Social Worker to develop a series of workshops where people share their skills, talents, and knowledge with other community members. The idea for the skill-building series arose after a community member had successfully hosted a cooking workshop. Participants in the initial workshop noted that as they got to know each other, they learned about a host of hidden talents that could be shared with others in the neighbourhood. Community members recognized that hosting further skill-sharing sessions would help hone volunteer and leadership confidence and capacity, provide space for folks to share their knowledge, and support increased connectivity in Falconridge-Castleridge.  In addition to the specifics of pickling, dreamcatchers, henna and the making of face cream, residents are demonstrating that everyone has skills to add to the common good and that we all play a role in collective well-being.

Local story | Food, community responses and solidarity

The Beltline Fridge & Pantry Project was launched on Oct. 14, 2023.  The initiative was the result of over one and a half years of dedicated work by eight residents who wanted to tackle aspects of food insecurity in the area. The residents, working with their Community Social Worker (CSW) and Neighbourhood Partnership Coordinator (NPC), obtained close to $10,000 in grant funding from Inspiring Neighbourhoods Grant, Beltline Community Investment Fund, Calgary Dollars and a Neighbourhood Grant to ensure that a professional contractor and local artist could be engaged to complete the design. They also worked with local businesses to obtain discounts on fridges and cleaning supplies, created a social media profile, and consulted with other fridge and pantry initiatives throughout the city to learn from their experiences, both successes and challenges. This 24/7 initiative, based on the honour system, helps with elements of food insecurity in our city.

However, food insecurity is not simply about a lack of food; it is more the product of income insecurity, wealth inequity, and inadequate — or absent — public policies. As one noted, “We are a group of volunteer residents passionate about food security and dignity. We believe food is a human right and should be available to everyone. We believe in solidarity, not charity.”

Recognizing that the Beltline Fridge & Pantry will not be a solution to the issue of food insecurity in the Beltline, this initiative certainly demonstrates the power of community and neighbours mobilizing to take care of their neighbours. It also serves as a reminder that an individual’s private troubles are, in fact, collective issues.


  • 5. Asset collecting, connecting, and weaving

    Learn how to weave and connect all that you learn from your neighbourhood. We will talk about asset mapping, connections and how to build your plan.

For any questions, email us at or call 311.
