Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 1 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. Learn more about what you can do during this stage.

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Who we are

Watch this video to find out how the Industrial Monitoring Group (IMG) works with businesses to protect Calgary's wastewater system and the environment. 

What we do

Protect the City’s wastewater treatment plants and the rivers through:

  • Industry inspections,
  • Wastewater sampling,
  • Investigating illegal dumping,
  • Wastewater receiving station monitoring,
  • Responding to 311 requests,
  • Discharge approvals & variety of other programs.

The Industrial Monitoring Group has two key focus areas:

  • Wastewater Compliance Program
  • Wastewater Surcharge Program

Wastewater Compliance Program

The main goal of this program is to prevent prohibited and restricted substances identified in the Wastewater Bylaw from entering the City’s Wastewater system and to protect the storm drainage system under the Drainage Bylaw.

Compliance Inspectors work with businesses to educate them on industrial, commercial, and institutional (ICI) wastes, and their effect to the Wastewater/Storm Drainage Systems. Inspectors also encourage the industry to follow Best Management Practices (BMPs) to prevent the release of harmful substances.

Inspectors also have the authority to enforce non-compliances found under the Wastewater and Drainage Bylaw which can result in issuing Remedial Orders or Warning Notices to the businesses. Compliance files may also be transferred to Calgary Community Standards for prosecution or fines.

The Compliance program falls into two main categories:

Wastewater Surcharge Program

Learn more about the Wastewater Surcharge Program.

Learn more

Installing and maintaining your grease interceptor
