Homeowner Water Guides
Our spring checklist includes simple steps to protect your home from leaks and prepare your yard.
Checking for and repairing leaks is key to saving water and money.
Replacing older, high flow toilets, and checking for and repairing leaks are an important part of reducing your household’s water use.
The water lost from a leaking faucet can add up over time. The sooner you make a repair the better.
Knowing when and how much to water can keep your mature yard beautiful for years to come.
Considering the watering needs of plants is key to having a beautiful, drought tolerant space for years to come.
Maintaining your irrigation system will reduce overwatering, improve plant health, keeping your yard healthy and beautiful.
Save money on your water bills while maintaining a healthy lawn by following these lawn care tips.
Rain barrels collect rainwater and provide a free source of soft, warm water for your yard.
Our water treatment plants make sure Calgary has safe, high quality drinking water 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
The water flushed down toilets, drained from bathtubs or used for washing is treated and returned to our rivers.
Our stormwater system reduces the impact of flooding, pollution, erosion, and improves the quality of stormwater entering our waterways.
Calgary has two main sources of water, the Elbow River and the Bow River.
Enjoy a beautiful, productive yard that's easy to maintain and suited to Calgary's unique climate.
A water pipe, also known as a water service line, is the way drinking water is delivered to Calgary homes.
Your bill is a great tool to help you reduce water consumption, address leaks in your home and save money.