Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 1 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. Learn more about what you can do during this stage.

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Protecting Calgary’s precious water resources is a shared responsibility among The City of Calgary, businesses and Calgarians.

There are many actions you can take to ensure that your home is safe and as water efficient as possible. Our spring checklist is a great place to start.

You can also discover a library of tips and tools for creating a water-efficient home. Visit our Homeowner Water Guide.

Spring checklist


  • Check the Watering 101 Guide to find out when to start watering plantsshrubs and trees.
  • Consult the YardSmart plant list before you plan what to plant this season.
  • Schedule lawn aerating and dethatching.
  • Once pollinators are done hibernating (when average night-time temperature is 10 degrees Celsius), clean debris from gardens and lawns.
  • Pull any weeds that may have grown, remove dead annuals and prune perennials.
  • Fertilize gardens and lawns with compost. Check City of Calgary compost pick-up dates and add them to your calendar.
  • Add mulch to your gardens. Check City of Calgary mulch pick-up dates and add them to your calendar.
  • Set up or install your rain barrel, or consider purchasing one from Green Calgary.
  • Get your lawn mower services, sharpen the blades and set the cutting height o three inches to keep your grass healthy.
  • Check and repair watering cans and hoses.
  • Check for water leaks from your outdoor tap and irrigation system.
  • Clean and repair downspouts, and direct stormwater away from your house, ideally towards your garden.
  • Clean any debris from storm drains in the street near your home.
  • Check all outdoor water fixtures like fountains and ponds for leaks.
  • If you have an automatic irrigation system, schedule to have your backflow prevention device tested by certified cross connection tester.


  • Check your sump pump for leaks or damage.
  • Use your water meter to check for leaks inside your home every six months as part of regular home maintenance.
  • Check your toilets, taps, humidifier, hot water heater, water softener and other water using devices for leaks.

Homeowner Water Guides for the Spring and Fall Checklist
