Calgary is big city on two small rivers, the Bow and the Elbow. We depend on our rivers to provide a stable supply of water for more than 1.25 million people living in the region and the businesses that work here – numbers that continue to climb.

Calgary's 30-in-30 Water Efficiency Plan developed in 2005 and updated in 2016, has been a major success and demonstrated our commitment to sustainable water management.

Our goal was to hold the amount of water we take from our rivers steady at the amount we were using in 2003 – 212.5 billion litres - despite our growing population. We committed to reducing our water consumption by 30% over 30 years.

We reached this goal 10 years ahead of schedule thanks to Calgarians’ commitment to using less water.

Calgary needs to continue to invest in water efficiency to ensure that the water needs and water security of our expected population of 2 million is met. This is something that all Calgarians have a stake in. 

We can be a leader when it comes to water efficiency and water security today and into the future. Together we can make every drop count.

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We want to hear from you about water efficiency

Every drop counts and we want to hear from you about:

  • Water conservation actions for homes and businesses
  • Outdoor watering schedules
  • New incentive programs for turf and outdoor irrigation
  • Water efficiency programs for industrial, commercial, and institutional customers

Calgary's water use

Calgarians have been working hard to protect our rivers by using and wasting less water and we’ve made great progress.

In 2023, Calgary’s average water demand was roughly 350 litres per person per day. This is in line with the 10 year goal in our Water Efficiency Plan.

This number includes industrial, commercial, and institutional customers like hospitals, food processors, universities, and other water use including flushing of pipes to maintain water quality after repairs, firefighting, and other water losses.

Calgarians use roughly 170 litres per person per day in their homes, below the Canadian average of around 220 litres per person per day.

water use progress

This figure shows water used by residents, businesses and institutions as well as water lost through leaks, unaccounted for or not billed. This total is then divided by the number of people living in Calgary.

How can Calgarians be more water efficient?

Save water in your home

In Calgary, the average person uses about seven cubic metres (m3) or 7,000 litres of water per month. 

Find out the biggest water users inside your home and get tips and actions to take to achieve significant water savings in your bathroom, kitchen and laundry area.

Saving water in your home

Save water in your yard and garden

During spring and summer, your water use can jump by 30 to 40 per cent because of outdoor watering activities. Discover a wealth of programs, tips and tools for creating a water-efficient yard.

Save water at work

Practicing water efficiency makes good business sense. It helps lower operating costs, saves energy and demonstrates responsible water use. 

There are many ways businesses can conserve water. Learn how to lower your water use with sector specific tips, guides and resources.

Water efficiency for businesses