Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 4 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. We are also asking businesses and residents to reduce indoor water use by 25%.

Learn more

Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle Calgary

Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle (WAV) Calgary

Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle Calgary (WAV Calgary) is a central dispatch service for all wheelchair accessible taxis operating in Calgary. This is an on-demand service, priced at regular taxi metered rates.​​​​​


The City is introducing this service as a two-year pilot, from December 2019 to December 2021, with the intention of continuing the service permanently following the pilot. 

Who the service is designed for

Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle Calgary is for people who use wheelchairs or mobility scooters, either on a long-term or short-term basis.

How the service works

Book your taxi trip using the smart phone app, website or phone. To book by phone, you call Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle Calgary (403-974-1110​) and the closest available taxi will be dispatched to anywhere in Calgary and give you the approximate wait time. There is no pre-registration required for this on-demand service. At this time, you cannot book a rideshare vehicle using this service.


The amount charged to customers is the metered rate.

Book through the web site

Phone apps are available from the website.

Or call 403-974-1110

Compliments or complaints

If you would like to compliment a driver or you have a concern or complaint about this service - call 311, use the app or submit your service request using​.

All complaints are thoroughly investigated by Calgary’s Vehicle for Hire office.

To find information on Calgary Transit Access visit​

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I travel with other passengers when using this service?


Yes. Groups can travel together when booking through this service. We just ask that the person making the request have need of a wheelchair accessible taxi. Multiple pick up or drop off locations will be charged according to taxi metered rates.​​​

What is the difference between WAV Calgary and Calgary Transit Access?

​​Calgary Transit Access is a transit and shuttle service. Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle Calgary is a taxi service. The following chart helps to illustrate the differences.

​Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle Calgary ​Calgary Transit Access
​Price Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle Calgary: ​Taxi metered rate Calgary Transit Access: ​Transit fare (pass, ticket, cash)
​Registration/Eligibility Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle Calgary: ​N/A Calgary Transit Access: ​Application form and eligibility criteria
​Booking criteria Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle Calgary: ​On-demand. Calgary Transit Access: ​Pre-booking up to 4 days in advance - Recurring trip booking available
​Booking method Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle Calgary: ​Phone/web/app Calgary Transit Access: ​Phone/web
​Pickup Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle Calgary: ​Provided at time of booking – in line with typical taxi service​ Calgary Transit Access: ​20 min pickup window for pickup and return
​Multiple passengers Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle Calgary: ​Only if requested by user Calgary Transit Access: ​Shared ride service where drivers may have multiple pick-up and drop-off locations in one pre-scheduled route
​Vehicle type Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle Calgary: ​Wheelchair accessible taxi Calgary Transit Access: Accessible mini-bus or wheelchair accessible van, minivans and sedans
​Flexibility Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle Calgary: ​On-demand Calgary Transit Access: ​Pre-book pick-up for arrival and return trips

I am used to my regular taxi driver who works for one company. How should I ensure he/she is my driver?


Any taxi customer can arrange service with a specific driver. Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle Calgary customers are no different. If you have a driver you are used to, feel free to call that driver directly. You can also request a specific taxi company. However, you may have to wait longer for service. It depends on the closest available taxi.​

Is a subsidy available for WAV Calgary?


No, this service is for on-demand wheelchair accessible taxis and customers pay the metered rate.​​​​​

I am using a wheelchair while recovering from an illness/injury. Can I use the service?


Yes the service is for anyone who uses a wheelchair or mobility scooter for both long-term or short term.​​

I have mobility issues, but don’t use a wheelchair. Is this service for me?


This service is for anyone who needs the service of a wheelchair accessible taxi or other form of assistance, that may be covered by specific training that wheelchair accessible drivers receive. If you can travel in a non-wheelchair taxi, then booking a taxi or rideshare vehicle through the usual means will likely meet your needs.​​​​

Can I book a rideshare wheelchair accessible vehicle through this service?

Not at this time.

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