Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 4 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. We are also asking businesses and residents to reduce indoor water use by 25%.

Learn more

Taxi, Limousine and Transportation Network Company Rates and Fares

Taxi, limousine and TNC rates and fares may differ as a result of the booking method. 

Here are the answers to some questions you may have about rates and fares:

Ridesharing and vehicle-for-hire services - What you need to know

What is the difference between a rate and a fare?

A fare is the cost of the ride and what the customer pays. The rate is the calculation used to determine the payment amount.

What is the maximum regulated taxi meter rate?

The maximum regulated rate is $4.50 for the first 120 meters and $0.23 for each additional 120 meters when travelling at a speed greater than 20.24 kilometres per hour. Taxi companies are allowed to charge less than the maximum rate.

Can I ask what rate is being charged before I decide to take the ride?

Absolutely, it is important to know that you have the right to ask what the rate is before you accept the ride.

How is the regulated taxi meter rate calculated?

The City uses a calculation called a Taxi Cost Index (TCI) to set regulated taxi rates for street hails and traditional phone dispatch service. Regulated rates are then calculated using a combination of distance travelled and the amount of time the trip takes.

Here is an example of the approximate cost using regulated taxi rates:
​Length of trip ​Approximate cost
Length of trip: ​5 kilometres Approximate cost: ​$13.85
Length of trip: ​10 kilometres Approximate cost: ​$23.44

Why are taxi rates from the airport more expensive?

The rate is higher because the fare covers the cost of departure fees imposed by the Calgary Airport Authority.

Who has the authority to determine app rates?

Taxi, limousine and TNCs that have an App (and is approved by The City), can choose to charge any rate and change this rate based on consumer demand and market conditions.

What does rates based on "consumer demand and market conditions" mean?

This means that during busy times, for example during the holiday season, sporting event, or Stampede, rates will increase as more people rely on taxi, limousine and TNCs for rides. This will make the cost of the ride higher.

Can The City do something about surge pricing?

Surge pricing is permitted for a taxi, limousine or TNC trip that is booked through the company’s App. The customer is provided the rate being charged before they accept a ride. Do your research and make an informed decision. When App rates are high, it may be preferable to street hail or call a taxi to benefit from a regulated rate.
