Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 1 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. Learn more about what you can do during this stage.

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Calgary's approach to illegal encampments

The City of Calgary Joint Encampment Team (JET) deals with encampments in Calgary neighbourhoods. Here's how they help:

  • They clean up and remove encampments from public areas.
  • They help people in encampments get connected with social services like health care, addiction support, and housing.
  • They make sure that places with dangerous materials, like used needles or flammable items, are handled safely.

JET doesn't end homelessness, but it helps with social issues and bylaw enforcement related to encampments in Calgary. 

What to do if you see an encampment

  • Don't go into the encampment yourself.
  • If you think someone is in danger or if there's a violent situation, call 911.
  • Report it by calling 311 (from within Calgary) or 403-268-CITY (2489) (from outside Calgary) or use the 311 app or:

The City has a special team called the Encampment team to handle encampments. They work closely with social agencies and businesses to help vulnerable people. Keep in mind that it can take up to 30 days to resolve an encampment complaint.

Encampments that are reported to The City are addressed in the following way:

Step 1

Day 1 - Citizen Action

Citizen sees an encampment, calls 311 to report.

Continue to Step 2

Step 2

Day 10 - Site Visit

The location of the encampment is identified, and the Encampment team is notified.

The Encampment Team will visit the encampment site within 10 days of a complaint being received.

The land owner will be notified if the encampment is on private property. If the encampment is on City property:

Continue to Step 3
Step 3

Day 15 - Inactive Site

If site is inactive, the camp is scheduled for cleanup within 5 business days, subject to weather conditions and staff resources.
Skip to Step 6​​​

If site is active:

Continue to Step 4
Step 4

Day 10 to 20 - Active Site

If the site is active, the Encampment Team creates rapport and works with encampment occupant(s) to refer to appropriate social agencies or channels of support as necessary and provides education on the bylaws related to camping on City-owned public land. This happens as quickly as possible, depending on occupant's circumstances and available resources.

Continue to Step 5
Step 5

Day 20 - Vacate Notice

The occupant (s) are asked to leave the encampment. They are usually given 24-72 hours to do so. However, if they are waiting for housing or entry into programming, it could take longer.

Continue to Step 6
Step 6

Day 30 - Site Cleanup


Encampment is scheduled for cleanup within 5 business days, subject to weather conditions and staff resources.

This process can take up to 30 days during the warmer months and can take longer in the cooler months as it may be unsafe for staff to access the site.


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