Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 4 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. We are also asking businesses and residents to reduce indoor water use by 25%.

Learn more

We need more homes. We have a plan. Implementing the Housing Strategy

We are committed to quickly confronting the barriers to increase the supply of housing by implementing Home is Here, The City of Calgary’s Housing Strategy.   

We need more homes in all shapes and sizes in all neighbourhoods. This will help support Calgary’s prosperity now and for future generations.

Initiatives that do not need further budget or Council approval are being implemented, while those that need land use or bylaw changes will follow the regular legislative process. 

We want to make building housing easier and faster, support providers and developers and work with our federal and provincial government partners to secure the support Calgarians need. We will meet the affordable housing needs of equity-deserving populations and Indigenous people living in Calgary.

The Housing Strategy's five outcomes

As we implement 98 actions in Home is Here, The City of Calgary's Housing Strategy, we are working towards five outcomes. The five outcomes are:

Outcome 1

Increase the supply of housing to meet demand and increase affordability

a) Make more City-owned real property assets (i.e., land, buildings, and strata) available for housing (market, nonmarket, subsidized, and housing co-op) in all communities.

b) Use The City’s funding tools to leverage partnerships with government and get more housing built.

c) Amend and streamline planning policy and process to allow for diverse housing.

Outcome 2

Support affordable housing providers to deliver services that make a positive impact

a) Advance City-led programs that support affordable housing providers and residents.

b) Conduct research and convene affordable housing providers to support the sector’s growth.

c) Advocate to other orders of government to ensure adequate supports for housing.

Outcome 3

Enable The City's housing subsidiaries to improve service delivery

a) Leverage funding and land for the development and redevelopment of City-owned assets.

b) Support subsidiaries to deliver on their strategic plans.

Outcome 4

Ensure diverse housing choice to meet the needs of equity-deserving populations

a) Develop and implement programs that reduce barriers and increase housing supports.

b) Incentivize the creation or modification of housing to meet the needs of equity-deserving populations.

Outcome 5

Address the affordable housing needs of Indigenous people living in Calgary

a) Fulfill commitments to ReconcilliACTION by implementing the actions within:

“The Ways Forward: Affordable Housing for Indigenous Calgarians Through a Holistic Plan.”
