Ward 1 - Sonya Sharp

February 2024 newsletter

Hi, Ward 1!

Welcome, February!

If January felt like a marathon, then tighten up your laces for the extra day in February! But no sweat, that bonus day gives us more time to make Ward 1 even better.

This month I joined the Chinese New Year Celebration, ringing in the Year of Dragon, also known as “Jia Chen Long Nian.” I enjoyed watching all of the colourful and energetic performances!

This edition is a full one and covers the repeal of the single-use bylaw, 2024 tax rebate, updates on city projects, and details about our upcoming Ward 1 townhall. Please reach out to my office if you have any questions or concerns, we will be happy to hear from you!

Councillor Sharp with Ward 7 Councillor Terry Wong at the Chinese New Year Celebration held at the Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre on February 10, 2024.
Councillor Sharp with Ward 7 Councillor Terry Wong at the Chinese New Year Celebration held at the Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre on February 10, 2024.

News from City Council

Rezoning Ward 1 Townhall

In response to the approval of the Home is Here: The City of Calgary’s Housing Strategy, City Administration proposed citywide rezoning aimed at designating a base residential district or zone. Under these proposals, properties currently restricted to single or semi-detached homes would be rezoned to R-CG, R-G, or H-GO. It is important to note that there will be no zoning changes without Council approval. A significant step in this process is the scheduled public hearing on April 22, 2024, during which Administration will present a recommended approach for citywide rezoning to the Council. The public is encouraged to participate either by attending the hearing in person or by submitting written input. To learn more about how to participate in public hearings, visit calgary.ca/publichearings.

To gather input from the public, City Administration conducted engagement opportunities in January and February to educate residents about the proposed rezoning changes. If you attended any of the City-led rezoning information sessions in the past month, make sure to leave your feedback with the project management team. To submit your input visit, calgary.ca/rezoningforhousing.

To collect further feedback, Councillor Sharp and the Ward 1 office will be hosting a townhall on Monday, March 11 from 5:30 – 7:00 PM at the Varsity Community Association to hear your thoughts. This is a drop-in style event, and all are welcome to discuss the rezoning proposals with the councillor. 

For more information on the proposed rezoning, including whether your property is affected, visit calgary.ca/rezoningforhousing.

Rezoning townhall: March 11, 2024. 5:30pm - 7:00 pm. Varsity Community Association, Vienna Room. Register today and get all your questions and concerns addressed!

2024 tax rebate notice of motion

On January 30, 2024, Councillor Sharp, along with six other councillors, jointly proposed a motion asking City Administration to identify $23.1 million in budgetary savings. The initiative aimed to alleviate the 7.8% tax burden authorized by Council in November but, unfortunately, was defeated in an 8-7 vote.

Since November, concerns have resonated among many Calgarians. The motion sought to provide relief to those grappling with challenges worsened by the financial strain of the approved tax increase and inflation rates. We encourage you to continually make your voices heard with every councillor until your concerns are acknowledged. Councillor Sharp remains committed to prioritizing smart spending and affordability for our city through each vote.

Single-use bylaw repeal

The single-use item bylaw was implemented January 16, 2024, and was met with a lot of confusion and frustration from the public. Although Councillor Sharp supports waste reduction in principle, she recognized the complications that this bylaw created for Calgarians. Since the implementation of the bylaw, she listened to constituents, customers and business owners to better understand the concerns and confusion that the extra cost and difficulties has created for take-out, drive-thrus, and for families.

On January 30, 2024, City Council voted to repeal the single-use items bylaw. Councillor Sharp voted in favour of the repeal, and it passed 8-7. The bylaw will be in place until a Public Hearing Meeting of Council is scheduled in a few months.

To see more information about Councillor Sharp’s previous voting history by topic, visit calgary.ca/ward1/votes-motions.

Community updates

ENMAX power projects in Ward 1

Project Type Neighbourhood Anticipated Construction Dates Description
32 Avenue NW Transmission Line 16.60L & 21.6L Varsity & University District Stakeholder engagement is expected to commence in Q1 2024. Construction information is not yet available.  ENMAX Power is seeking approval to keep the temporary overhead line permanent
16.63L Varsity Northwest Transmission Line 16.63L & 15.62L Varsity & Dalhousie Stakeholder engagement is expected to commence in Q1 2024. Construction information is not yet available.  ENMAX Power is seeking approval to keep the temporary overhead line permanent
Northwest Calgary Transmission Line Relocation Project (16.61L) Varsity, Dalhousie, Charleswood, Collingwood & Brentwood Ongoing until late June 2024 Upgrading and relocating overhead transmission electrical infrastructure
New development Rockcliff Heights Ongoing until mid-January 2024 Supplying power to Rockcliff Heights phase 1 (Hafiz Ali Development)
New development Watermark Late January until early March 2024 Supplying power to Watermark phase 9 (MacDonald Commercial)
Advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) Bowness, Greenwood/Greenbriar Early January until March 2024 ENMAX Power will be replacing outdated electrical meters with new AMI meters

Tuscany Sediment Removal Project

Since the Tuscany storm pond was built in 2000, it has been accumulating sediment. The City conducted an assessment and found the pond’s cleaning and storage capacity has been reduced up to 70 per cent and the inlet pipes are half full of sediment, reducing its ability to transport water. To reduce the risk of flooding in the Tuscany community and improve stormwater treatment to protect the health of our rivers, in late January, The City will be draining and removing sediment from the Tuscany storm pond, located north of Tusslewood Drive N.W. The project will begin at the end of January 2024 and is anticipated to be completed in mid-April 2024 (weather dependent). The work has been scheduled to avoid disrupting the habitat of nesting birds. For more information on storm ponds visit calgary.ca/stormponds. If you have questions or concerns regarding this project, please call 311.

Updates on City services

Calgary River Valley engagement

The Government of Alberta has released draft updated Flood Hazard Area maps for communities across the province, including Calgary. These maps reflect the latest understanding of a 1:100 (1 per cent chance) flood risk in Alberta and include a new approach to flood hazard area mapping. From January 29 to March 3, City Administration will talk to Calgarians about the future of the city’s floodplain policies and regulations. 

Calgarians can visit calgary.ca/rivervalleys to provide feedback through an online survey, or by attending an in-person drop-in event or a virtual information session. Engagement will be open to all Calgarians who wish to participate, although the focus will be on gathering feedback from residents and businesses in flood risk communities and other interested parties.

  • Online Engage Portal – Survey open to public Jan. 29 – March 3, 2024
  • Drop-in event at the Bridgeland Community Association Feb. 21, 2024, 5 – 8 p.m.
  • Drop-in event at the Parkhill/Stanley Park Community Association Feb. 27, 2024, 6 – 9 p.m.
  • Drop-in event at the Montgomery Community Association March 1, 2024, 5 – 8 p.m.
  • Virtual public information session #1 (MS Teams) Jan. 31, 2024, 6 – 7 p.m.
  • Virtual public information session #2 (MS Teams) Feb. 13, 2024, 6 – 7 p.m.

Secondary Suite Incentive Program

Secondary suites provide Calgarians with safe and affordable places to live. Since 2018, The City has adjusted the regulatory environment to enable more homeowners to build safe and legal secondary suites at a reduced cost. Through the Secondary Suite Amnesty Program, development permit and Secondary Suite Registry fees have been waived. Council recently approved an extension of this program until December 31, 2026. The Secondary Suites Incentive Program provides an additional financial incentive to homeowners interested in building a safe, legal and registered secondary suite. The City recently closed the Secondary Suites Registration Feedback project which gathered information from homeowners with secondary suites about the barriers and challenges to registering a suite. Feedback was requested from registered and unregistered suite owners as well as those with the lived experience of renting a secondary suite.

The Secondary Suites Incentive Program supports safe and affordable housing options for Calgarians, through grants of up to $10,000 for homeowners who complete and register a secondary suite. It is estimated that up to 4,500 secondary suites will be added to the Secondary Suites Registry in the first year after the program launches and that up to 3,000 of these 4,500 will qualify for the incentive. Grant qualifications:

  • Maximum of one grant per person.
  • The applicant must be the homeowner of the property located in Calgary city limits.
  • The applicant cannot be in a state of tax arrears with The City of Calgary.
  • The homeowner or contractor must complete an online education program and knowledge assessment.
  • A building permit must be issued for the suite.

Visit calgary.ca/secondarysuites for more information.

Updates in brief

Explore businesses in Calgary with the Business Map

Wondering what businesses are open around Ward 1? You can use the Business Map to locate active businesses and view their license information near your current or other specified locations. You can also search for businesses by license type. Explore the Business Map now at https://maps.calgary.ca/businessmap/. To view more City of Calgary maps, please visit the Map Gallery at https://mapgallery.calgary.ca/.

Black History Month

Canadians across the nation join in February to observe Black History Month and acknowledge the contributions made by Black individuals and communities throughout the country's history. This month-long celebration offers a chance to learn from past experiences and think about the present. For celebrations across Calgary, visit curiocity.com/black-history-month-calgary-2024/.

Racial Justice Conference: Dismantling System Racism, Transforming Lives

The City of Calgary's Anti-Racism Program is hosting its first Racial Justice Conference on March 18-19, 2024, at the Calgary TELUS Convention Centre from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. This on-site event provides opportunities to improve and apply anti-racism knowledge, skills, and strategies through speaker sessions, workshops, and various activities. Register at calgary.ca/racialjusticeconference before March 1, 2024.

YYC Hot Chocolate Fest

YYC Hot Chocolate Fest is an annual event hosted by Calgary Meals on Wheels. First started in 2011, this event is meant to highlight local businesses and Calgary’s vibrant culture, while also helping support a local charity. With more than 70 vendors participating every year, YYC Hot Chocolate Fest has grown to become a staple in countless Calgarians’ winter event calendars.

Taking place from February 1-29 at various locations. After enjoying the hot chocolate, participants are asked to share their experience by rating the drinks online or through the app, contributing to the determination of the best Hot Chocolate in town!

A few of the Ward 1 contestants include:

  • Seasons of Bowness - Strawberry Cinnamon Twist
  • Sharetea Bowness/Montgomery – Sweet Charcuterie Hot Chocolate
  • Black Sheep in the Calgary Farmers' market - Basil, lemon and mascarpone whip
  • Monki Breakfast Club and Bistro - Lavender Earl Grey White Hot Chocolate
  • Euphoria Café - Spumoni Hot Chocolate

$1 - $3 from every cup sold supports Calgary Meals on Wheels, thereby directly providing nutritious meals to Calgarians! Visit yychotchocolate.com for more detais.

Categories: General, Newsletter, Rezoning
