Public Hearing Improvements Project

The City of Calgary ("The City") is improving the public hearing process to ensure that public hearings are accessible, inclusive, and user-friendly for the public.

Council Chamber lifecycle upgrades

Council Chamber, in the Municipal Building, is due for lifecycle upgrades and modernization. It has been almost 40 years since the space opened and much of it, including Council desks, were still original. The City of Calgary is planning to complete upgrades to make Chamber a more welcoming, accessible, and equitable space.  

Workplaces that meet ergonomic standards offer improved productivity, increased comfort and wellness, an attractive environment for employees, and reduced risks of work-related musculoskeletal injuries. 

The project is aligned with previously completed research and feedback. Upgrades include changes to seating, technology integration updates, and other lifecycle upgrade work. Once complete, Administration and Council will be able to work effectively in a functional and ergonomically appropriate space, and Calgarians can participate in public discourse in a welcoming and inclusive space. We’re salvaging select components of the original furniture with historical significance (signatures of past council members) and identifying an appropriate long-term installation location with the office of the Councillors. 

The Council Chamber Lifecycle Upgrade Project will proceed in two phases to minimize disruptions to Council and Council Committee meetings.  Phase One was complete in August 2024, enhancing the Council and Administration side of Chamber, and Phase Two will upgrade the public gallery seating area in August 2025. 

What is a public hearing?

Members of City Council meet regularly to discuss issues such as policies, bylaws, budget, and major projects affecting Calgary.

If an individual is concerned about a Council or committee item, they may attend a public hearing during a Council or standing policy committee meeting to communicate their views directly to Council.

This builds public confidence and encourages civic engagement.

About the project

On March 22, 2021, Council directed The City to develop a more user-friendly and inclusive public hearing process. The City held a public engagement to determine how to remove barriers from citizens being able to participate in a public hearing.

These barriers included, but are not limited to:

  • time it takes to prepare
  • lack of awareness about how to register and prepare a submission
  • clarity on influence of submissions
  • stress for some people of speaking about a personal issue
  • perceived inequities
  • respectful environment
  • accessibility issues such as language, childcare, and parking costs 

Public hearing recommendations

On March 15, 2022, Council received a report on the Public Hearing Improvements Project. Recommendations included:

  • Accessibility

    Implementing inclusive initiatives to reduce barriers for Public Hearing participants, such as childminding, parking, and transit ticket programs.

  • Automated registration system

    This will ensure a more inclusive, accessible, and user-friendly experience for the public wishing to provide input on important matters being considered at Council.

  • Digital Equity

    Providing opportunities, tools, and resources that support the public with the Public Hearing process.

  • Inclusion

    Developing a statement that endorses The City’s commitment to anti-racism, equity, diversity, and inclusion.

Project timeline

The goal of this project is to address the barriers identified when participating in a public hearing. 

Supporting documents
