Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 4 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. We are also asking businesses and residents to reduce indoor water use by 25%.

Learn more

Climate Change Webinar Series

Climate Change Webinar Series

Climate Change Lunch Hour Webinars

About the Webinars

One of the goals of the Calgary Climate Strategy: Pathways to 2050 is to educate and engage Calgarians about both climate change and climate actions. The City’s Climate Program offers the Climate Change Webinar Series, which began in 2020, to provide information on climate topics, City programs, and emerging trends.

Please check out the recordings from previous webinars below and check back for information about the 2024 series.

Subscribe to The City’s Climate Change mailing list to stay informed on how The City is addressing climate issues, and visit to learn more about what we are doing to reach net zero by 2050.

Upcoming webinars

The 2023 Climate Change Webinar Series is complete but stay tuned for announcements regarding the 2024 Climate Change Webinar Series.

Watch previously recorded webinars

  • The New Metric - Embodied Carbon

    Our homes and buildings are a major contributor to global GHG emissions. Most of our attention thus far has been on reducing emissions associated with the operation of buildings – operational carbon. More recently, we’ve realized this isn’t the complete picture and we also need to consider CO2 emissions associated with the production of building materials. Only by taking a life-cycle approach to buildings can we understand and address their impacts on climate. This includes considering the emissions associated with the production and transportation of building materials, construction and end-of-life management of buildings – what is referred to as embodied carbon.

    Join our expert panel to explore the world of embodied carbon -- how we measure it, how it is influencing building design and design frameworks aimed at reducing embodied carbon, such as design for flexibility and design for deconstruction, and how it is driving innovation in the development of low-carbon building materials and a return to the use of natural materials in construction. We’ll round out the discussion with a look at how embodied carbon is being incorporated into policy and what we can expect going forward.

  • From Demolition to Deconstruction

    With a focus on reducing construction, renovation and demolition waste and preserving embodied carbon, cities across Canada are looking at moving away from demolishing buildings to deconstructing them and salvaging valuable materials for reuse.

    Join us to learn about the benefits of deconstruction from leaders in the sector and how home owners and developers can advance deconstruction in Calgary.

    Speakers include The City of Calgary, Light House, Built Green Canada, and Alberta Waste & Recycling

  • Extending the Life of Existing Buildings

    An average of 535 single family homes are demolished in Calgary each year and sent to landfill. Looking across Canada, the number is in the thousands.

    According to the newly released report A Blueprint for Change: Preventing Demolition Waste Through Home Relocation and Deconstruction, many are high-quality homes that could be repurposed to help address the housing crisis at a fraction of the time it takes and the cost of building new. Extending the life of these homes also eliminates construction and demolition waste, reduces the amount of virgin materials needed to build housing, and reduces carbon emissions that contribute to climate change.

    Join our expert panel to explore approaches to extend the life of existing buildings while saving money and the environment.

  • Circular Economy 101

    Introduction to the Circular Economy webinar series hosted by The City of Calgary and Light House.

    A circular economy is a shift from a throw-away to a circular mindset to extend the lifecycle of goods, food, and resources through better design and continuous reuse, so nothing goes to waste. Hear about innovative local and national projects, businesses that have embraced circular economy and how the City of Calgary is playing its part to support and contribute to a circular economy.

    Speakers include The City of Calgary, Light House, Share Reuse Repair and IKEA.

  • Are you climate ready? Preparing family and home for severe weather

    This webinar, during Emergency Preparedness Week (May 7-13, 2023), will tell you about The City’s Climate Ready Home Program, give you steps you can take to prepare for emergencies and share ways to protect your home from severe weather increasing in frequency and intensity due to climate change.

    This session will include closed captioning and ASL interpretation.

  • Climate Action: Squaring Redevelopment with Heritage

    Historic resources connect us to our past, our future and each other. There is an immense value in preserving our heritage as it has been recognized as an important component of sustainable city building – with economic and environmental benefits beyond enriching the sense of place in our communities.

  • Be Yardsmart! How to make a healthy and resilient yard and community

    This session provides information on the City of Calgary’s YardSmart program with a focus on biodiversity and supporting pollinators. This session is for you if you’re interested in creating a beautiful yard that thrives in Calgary’s changing climate and contributes to the health and vibrancy of our city’s natural environment!

  • Switching to Renewable Energy

    Renewable energy offers so many benefits such as energy independence, lower (or no) utility bills, increased home comfort and helping to limit global climate change.

    Homes and workplaces produce two-thirds (66% in 2019) of Calgary's greenhouse gas emissions. Choosing who provides your energy and how it is produced is one of the most effective ways to limit your contribution to global climate change. It starts by understanding your choices.

    This workshop, co-hosted by The City of Calgary's Climate Program and Open Streets, addresses some of the most common misconceptions about renewable energy in Alberta, walks you through the options available and shares ideas on how to evaluate what is best for you.

  • So, you're curious about electric vehicles?

    This webinar was co-hosted with The City of Calgary and Peaks to Prairies during National Drive Electric Week (September 26 to October 4, 2020).

    Choosing an electric vehicle can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve air quality, and save you money on maintenance, fuel and potentially on insurance premiums as well. Electric vehicles are also quiet, powerful and fun to drive! Transportation accounts for one-third of Calgary's greenhouse gas emissions, making electric vehicle adoption one of the greatest opportunities to reduce emissions in our city.

    This workshop, co-hosted by The City of Calgary's Climate Program and Transportation Planning with special guests from Peaks to Prairies, addresses some of the most common misperceptions about electric vehicles, delves into the benefits and barriers of electric vehicle ownership, explores the advancement of charging infrastructure in Alberta and more.

  • Climate Change 101

    Climate change has become a defining issue of our time, and the majority of Calgarians are concerned about it.

    This session helps demystify this complex topic, providing information about what climate change is, how climate change is impacting Calgary, how The City of Calgary is taking action and how Calgarians can be part of the solution.

  • Active Transportation: Bike Commuting in Calgary

    Interested in riding your bike more often, but not sure how to get started? Join us for a free, fun and friendly introduction to cycling (including winter cycling) for Calgarians! Learn all about the many tools and resources available to help you feel more comfortable behind the handlebars.

  • Home Energy Efficiency

    Do you know the most effective ways to reduce your home energy bills? Since home energy use accounts for more than one-quarter of Calgary's greenhouse gas emissions, saving energy in your home is an impactful way to help limit global climate change. This workshop, co-hosted by The City of Calgary's Climate Program and Empower Me, covers the top five changes you can make to in your home, further actions you can take, and how these actions contribute to our climate change targets.

  • Preparing for Climate Change

    Flooding, hail, high winds and other extreme weather events are becoming more frequent and intense in Calgary due to climate change. Along with these hazards comes rising insurance costs, health impacts and property damage. This workshop, hosted by City of Calgary staff, will help you understand what climate change means for Calgary, what actions you can take to prepare and how The City of Calgary is adapting to our changing climate.

To register Eventbrite will ask you to provide your name and email address. This personal information is being collected by The City of Calgary for the purpose of registering and participating in a webinar on climate change and associated mitigation and/or adaptation actions pursuant to s. 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act. If you have any questions about this collection and use of your personal information, please contact Lindsay Luhnau, Environmental Outreach Coordinator at Environmental and Safety Management, Floor 8, Public Building, 205 – 8 Avenue S.E., Calgary, Alberta, T2P 2M5 or call 403-818-4539.
