Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 4 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. We are also asking businesses and residents to reduce indoor water use by 25%.

Learn more

Centre Street Pedestrian Ramp Upgrades

Project update

The Centre Street Pedestrian Ramps are now complete!

While the Centre Street Pedestrian Ramps are currently open, we will need to temporarily close the East ramp and the Centre Street underpass to complete the final tie-in to RiverWalk. Work is expected to start in late June and expect it will remain closed until late August. Please follow the detour signage in the area.

About the project

We’re upgrading the Centre Street ramps that connect to the historic Centre Street Bridge. Our work includes:

  • Improving walking and wheeling access by widening the ramps to approximately 3 meters on each side.
  • Enhancing the access points to Centre Street Bridge so that there is wider turning coverage for those who walk and wheel in the area.
  • Upgrading the hand rails which have deteriorated over time.
  • Replacing the ramps and the connecting structures to the overarching bridge.

This project is being launched and coordinated with the overarching Eau Claire Area Improvements.




Spring 2023: Ramp construction complete


History on Centre Street Bridge Lions

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