

Highlighted Projects

The Westbrook Communities Local Area Plan is now being implemented and will continue to guide growth and change in the Plan area.

Find out more about improvements projects happening in your community by expanding any of the following projects:

51 Street and 45 Street Bikeway Improvements

Streetscape, walking and wheeling improvements throughout the community to improve ability of residents and visitors to move around safely and efficiently. Improvements considered on 51 Street SW and 45 Street SW.

Richmond Road Walking and Wheeling Improvements

Streetscape, walking and wheeling improvements throughout the community to improve ability of residents and visitors to move around safely and efficiently. Improvements considered for Richmond Road SW between 37 Street and 45 Street SW.

26th Ave SW Walking and Wheeling Improvements

Work on 26 Avenue SW between Sarcee Trail and 14 Street SW is being done to improve public spaces and enhance connections for people walking, wheeling, and taking transit. 26 Avenue SW connects eight communities, including nine schools and over 50 businesses. 

Killarney Green Streets pilot:

Mobility improvements, innovative open space and potential utility infrastructure improvements will be brought to the area by reconfiguring street space. This pilot will add and activate new public spaces in the Killarney community by reclaiming underutilized connector streets. 

Growth and Development

The Westbrook Communities Local Area Plan is a living policy document that is consulted alongside the Land Use By-Law, Municipal Development Plan and other City policies when development or redevelopment applications are made by developers, builders, or homeowners.

Visit the Development Map for information and opportunity to share comments on development or redevelopment applications for projects happening in the Westbrook Communities or anywhere else in Calgary.

Community profiles for Westbrook Communities can be found here

This information has no legal status and cannot be used as an official interpretation of the various bylaws, codes and regulations currently in effect. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Web pages are updated periodically. ​
