Deals, specials and events - Shaganappi Point
We have more events, special offers, and deals at our other golf courses. View all our deals, specials, and events.
Anytime deals
Tee times can be booked online. (For green fee players – all age groups - cannot be combined with other offers and discounts)
For up-to-date schedules, call the clubhouses for details or check in person at clubhouses.
Early Bird Back 9
Available for the first hour after the course opens.
McCall Lake 18 - Not available on Tuesday mornings.
Maple Ridge - 7 days a week.
Shaganappi point - 7 days a week. Only $22
Soak up the Suds – Beer and Bucket Deal
Saturdays and Sundays after 12 p.m. in July, get a medium bucket of balls (approx. 50 balls) and a domestic beer for $11. Only available in the clubhouses at our driving ranges (McCall Lake, Shaganappi Point and Confederation Park). (Swap for a craft/import beer and/or increase the bucket size for additional charge).
Twilight & Late Day 9 Play reduced green fee rates
Don't have the time for a complete round at the end of the day? Twilight and late day play is a great option.
Late Day 9s
Play 9 holes on an 18-hole course at the end of the day. Late Day 9 hole golf tee times begin approximately 3 hours before dark. Late Day 9s are available at Maple Ridge, McCall 18, and Shaganappi 18. Tee times are based on available daylight and vary by course.
Youth on course
This program gives youth 6-18 access to all 7 City of Calgary Golf Courses for $5 or less per round. To get this access, you must be a junior member of Alberta Golf/Golf Canada for an annual cost of $59.95. Learn more about the Youth on Course program.