On-demand taxi service is an important transportation option for people who require special assistance to accommodate a wheelchair or other mobility device. On-demand service provided by taxi companies is different from Calgary Transit Access, which provides pre-arranged service to qualified customers (including those who use mobility devices).

On October 15, 2018 Council approved amendments to the Livery Transport Bylaw 6M2007 which authorized the establishment and implementation of an Accessible Taxi Incentive Program. The program is effective as of January 1, 2019 as set out in the Accessible Taxi Incentive Program Framework.

Accessible Taxi Incentive Program

City Council has approved a program to provide incentives to holders of Accessible Taxi Plate Licences (ATPL) and accessible taxi drivers. The goals of this program are to:

  • Improve service to customers requesting on-demand wheelchair accessible taxis
  • Reduce costs of purchasing and operating wheelchair accessible vehicles
  • Improve 24/7 on-demand wheelchair accessible service delivery

This program will be funded by collecting a nominal fee of $0.10 per-trip, which will be added to the total fare of all taxis and Transportation Network Company trips taken in Calgary.

Overview of incentives

The following is a summary of incentives that are provided through this program:

Accessible Plate Holders
Type of Payment Annual Incentives Wheelchair Ramp Installation Incentive


Holder of a Valid and Subsisting ATPL Holder of a Valid and Subsisting ATPL

Amount (frequency)

Up to $3,500 (annually) Up to $25,000 for the installation of a wheelchair ramp and running boards (once per vehicle)

Payment Schedule

Following June ATPL renewal Following criteria being met

Criteria Required

Yes Yes
Accessible Drivers
Type of Payment Annual Incentives Per-Trip Driver Incentive


Holder of a Valid and Subsisting TDL with an endorsement to operate an accessible vehicle and affiliated with an ATPL Holder of a Valid and Subsisting TDL with an endorsement to operate an accessible vehicle and affiliated with an ATPL (on the WAV Calgary platform)

Amount (frequency)

Up to $4,500 (annually)

$15 for each wheelchair accessible trip completed between 4am and 4pm


$25 for each wheelchair accessible trip completed between 4pm and 4am

Payment Schedule

Following driver licence renewal (on birthdate) Monthly 

Criteria Required

Yes Yes