Tire recycling
In Calgary, you can dispose of your tires at the City Eco Centres, where they will be recycled free of charge.
- All tires must go into the cages provided - do not leave tires on the ground.
- We accept all vehicle tires, including tires with rims.
- You may bring up to 12 tires per visit.
For more details about other automobile parts, visit What Goes Where .
Frequently asked questions for tire recycling
Why recycle your tires?
Recycling tires saves resources and conserves energy. It also frees up large amounts of landfill space, reduces tire fires, and removes breeding grounds for mosquitoes.
What are tires turned into?
In 2014, Albertans recycled over 7 million tires. Almost half of them were turned into products like playground surfaces, molded bricks, industrial matting and roofing tiles.
Alberta Recycling explores new uses for products made from scrap tires. Right now, they are testing shredded tires, instead of gravel, for two road work projects.
Why is there a $4 environmental fee for new tires?
The fee you pay for new tires funds the cost to recycle them. The program recycles every tire licensed for highway use and researches ways to recycle larger tires.
Most of the fee goes to collecting, transporting and recycling tires, plus research and development, and public information. For more details, please call 1-888-999-8762 toll-free or visit the Alberta Recycling Management Authority.