November 2022 newsletter
Hi Ward 1!
November is one of the busiest months at City Council as we consider The City's budget for the next four years. You can learn more about what's proposed below, plus how to share your feedback.
From December 1-11, I'm asking everyone to participate in the Mayor's Food Drive in support of the Calgary Food Bank. This year, councillors and residents from all 14 Wards will be competing to see who can donate the most. Donations in Ward 1 will be accepted at CF Market Mall, in the corridor next to Safeway, starting December 1. I'll have more details to share later this month. Let's go Ward 1!
—Sonya Sharp
News from City Council
First Look: 2023-2026 proposed Service Plans & Budget
Learn about the proposed budget and how to share your feedback with Councillor Sharp and the rest of Council.
You can also view the proposed Service Plans and Budget directly here.
Read more
Updates in brief
- This month, Council passed a motion from Councillor Walcott to investigate new enforcement options for road noise. Noise violations have been an ongoing concern for many Ward 1 residents, so we look forward to seeing Administration's completed report.
- Council has approved a new name for James Short Park in Chinatown: 和園 Harmony Park. The name change was undertaken as part of the Tomorrow's Chinatown initiative which included a new area redevelopment plan and cultural plan.
Community updates
Traffic updates
Crestmont crosswalk safety concerns
Our office is aware of issues with frequent speeding along Crestmont Boulevard, which is often used as a shortcut from Old Banff Coach Road to Highway 1. Councillor Sharp has been working with the Crestmont Community Association, Crestmont Home Owners Association, and the Calgary Police Service to better understand the issue and to find the most effective solutions. Councillor Sharp is working with The City's Mobility unit to implement better safety measures at several of the crosswalks along the boulevard. To date, traffic calming curbs have been installed both east and westbound. Additional speed limit signage has been added and the Calgary Police Service has increased patrols in the area. We will continue to provide updates as more information on changes becomes available.

112 Avenue & Country Hills Boulevard update
This busy intersection in Royal Oak continues to be a high priority. The 112 Avenue crosswalk has been relocated to be in the direct line of sight of drivers turning right onto Country Hills Boulevard. This month saw further changes, including accessibility improvements to the crosswalk. Councillor Sharp and The City's Mobility team continue to assess the changes to ensure they accommodate pedestrian safety and efficient traffic flow. Long-term solutions are still in the works, and Councillor Sharp is expecting an update later this year.
ENMAX construction in Varsity
ENMAX replaced portions of two underground transmission lines in the community of Varsity with temporary overhead lines in 2009 and 2014. ENMAX now intends to apply to the Alberta Utilities Commission to make the overhead lines permanent.
ENMAX has communicated directly with affected Varsity residents by mail. If you have additional questions or concerns regarding this project, you can contact ENMAX directly at or 403-514-1471. More information on this project is available at
Community Association Presidents' meeting
Last month, Councillor Sharp hosted her quarterly meeting with the presidents of the nine amazing community associations in Ward 1. These meetings are a great opportunity for the elected community leaders to share their priorities with Councillor Sharp and to connect with one another. Topics range from road and traffic safety issues, to community event participation, and to planning and development concerns. Connect with your community association for more updates from these great meetings.
Remembrance Day
On Thursday November 10th, Councillor Sharp attended the sunrise Remembrance Day ceremony at the Field of Crosses on Memorial Drive in remembrance of the Women of War. Councillor Sharp was honoured to pay respects to the soldiers marked with white crosses, the Women of War, and the many others who served our country.
On November 11th, Councillor Sharp and her team had the privilege of attending the Remembrance Day ceremony at the Bowness Legion. Councillor Sharp made remarks and had the opportunity to lay a wreath on behalf of The City of Calgary. We hope Ward 1 residents had a reflective day remembering those who fought and died for our country.
Field of Crosses on Memorial Drive, Remembrance Day 2022
Field of Crosses sunrise ceremony, Women of War flag raising
Updates on City services
Snow and ice control
Winter weather and driving conditions have officially arrived. As part of The City's seven-day snow plan, crews focus on clearing major routes first, followed by pedestrian infrastructure, transit routes, and bridge decks. This year, The City aims to clear Calgary's busiest routes within 36 hours after a snow event.
Stay safe this winter and leave more travel time to account for snowy conditions. Learn more about the Winter Operations Program at You can also monitor road conditions in real-time at

Planning & Development
- Stay up to date on what The City's Planning & Development department is working on by subscribing to the Planning & Development Services Dispatch newsletter. It includes helpful updates on planning matters affecting your community. View past issues and subscribe here.
- Proposed development in your neighbourhood? Visit to view development applications and to submit your feedback. Public comments are accepted for three weeks after an application is submitted.
- Learn more about the regulations governing land use in Calgary by visiting More questions? Contact Planning & Development Services by phone 403-268-5311 or live chat
- Permit applications have moved to a temporary location due to repairs at the Municipal Building. Applications can be made online or in person at the Whitehorn Multi-Services Centre (3705 35 Street N.E.), Monday through Friday 8 a.m. - 4:15p.m.
Updates in brief
- Following vandalism earlier this year, a new, more resilient design has been approved for the Peace Bridge in collaboration with the original architect. Construction is scheduled for Spring 2023. Learn more.
- Do you pay property tax through the TIPP program? Twice-yearly recalculations take place in January and July that could change the amount you pay monthly. Watch for more details coming in December to avoid service charges or an NSF fee.
Categories: General, Newsletter