Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 4 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. We are also asking businesses and residents to reduce indoor water use by 25%.

Learn more

Solutions for Achieving Value and Excellence (SAVE)


The SAVE team explored various options and approaches to balance overall service delivery, affordability and risk. Through Council’s direction to enhance The City’s financial sustainability, drive innovation and modernize service delivery, the SAVE program delivered $78.6 million in base operating savings ($26.4 million in 2021 and a further $52.2 million in 2022), plus additional revenue and one-time savings. These reductions enabled Council to lower the tax rate in 2021 and make some critical investments in our community in 2022.

The SAVE program delivered $78.6 million in base operating savings

About SAVE

The Solutions for Achieving Value and Excellence (SAVE) program helped The City review existing initiatives and looked for new opportunities to modernize our service delivery while continuing to keep citizens at the centre of its decisions. SAVE supported The City’s financial sustainability and Administration’s commitment to delivering modern and affordable municipal services and making life better every day for Calgarians. The SAVE program ran from 2020-2022.


How did it work?

The initial SAVE process involved three stages: ideas, opportunities and business cases. SAVE projects were developed with service and citizen impacts in mind, with the level of analysis increasing as initiatives progressed through the “funnel”. This had included consideration of specific realities in the then-current local environment, as well as lessons learned from leading practices at other municipalities.

The initial transition to implementation had been driven by the SAVE team, but long-term implementation and sustainment had been led by service teams across the organization. Cuts to the operating budget were approved by Council during the 2021 and 2022 adjustments processes prior to any project implementation.

Service improvements

We're continuing to modernize our services and find efficient ways to meet the ever-changing needs of Calgarians.

Learn about our Service Improvements program