If you have travelled outside of Canada in the past 14 days
If you are a close contact of someone who has tested positive or are waiting for test results for COVID-19
Masks and face coverings
Masks must be worn at all times when inside. If you do not have a mask, one will be provided to you by the career counsellor.
You do not have to wear a mask if you meet any of the exemption criteria. Learn more about the Temporary Face Coverings Bylaw.
How we're keeping you safe
No drop-in appointments or services available. The Youth Employment Centre is only open to those who have a scheduled appointment. If you want to schedule a face-to-face or remote appointment, please call 403-268-2490 or sign up online.
Once someone arrives for their appointment, they are asked to call or text their employment counsellor and the counsellor will come and meet them.
Providing an appointment system to manage occupancy numbers; you will not be able to enter the facility if you do not have an appointment
Staff will sanitize meeting spaces after each appointment.
Making sure our facilities align with provincial guidelines
Cleaning and disinfecting high touch areas (e.g. doors, counters, railings)
Providing access to hand sanitizer and hand wash stations
Having staff maintain physical distancing and wear face coverings when possible
How you can keep safe
Only the youth meeting with an employment counsellor is allowed in the office space. No parents, caregivers, or friends can attend meetings, and must wait outside the Alberta Trade Centre.·
Maintain social distancing when possible
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, mouth and face
Cover coughs and sneezes in a tissue or your elbow
Carry and use your own hand sanitizer
Arrive no more than 15 minutes before your appointment time
Don’t gather or loiter in parking areas or public areas before, during or after your appointment time