Waste and Garbage - Frequently asked questions

What does "waste" mean?

Waste includes any litter or refuse as defined under the Waste Bylaw.

Where can I obtain a copy of the Waste Bylaw?

You can obtain a paper copy of the bylaw from the City Clerks office or download an electronic copy.

Can I store waste materials on my own property?

It is a violation of the Community Standards Bylaw 32M2023 to allow waste material to accumulate on your property.

What type of waste are not collected by Waste & Recycling Services at my residence?

  • No items longer than 1.25 m or heavier than 20 kg are collected.
  • No automobile waste including parts, tires and batteries are collected.
  • No building materials, fences or gates are collected.
  • No large household appliances and furniture, mattresses and box springs are collected. It is the owner's responsibility to take these items to any of the City landfills for disposal.
  • No trees, tree limbs, shrubs, bushes, loam, gravel, sod and prunings that are not properly packaged are collected.
  • No household chemicals or hazardous waste are collected.
  • No liquids are collected.
  • No waste that is unsafe to the collector to access or handle is collected.
  • Please see the "What goes where?" search tool here to learn about proper recycling and disposal of an item.

What do I do about my tree trimmings?

Put branches and yard waste directly into the green cart. Put extra yard waste into paper yard waste bags. Roll the top of the bags closed to prevent spills and allow your collector to pick up bags properly. Set bags at least 0.5m (2ft) away from your cart.

What about my grass clippings?

Put grass clippings directly into your green cart for composting. If you have extra clippings, put in paper yard waste bags, roll closed and place 0.5m (2 ft) to the side of the cart on collection day.

What do I do with sod?

Put residential quantities of sod in your green cart for composting. Please see What Goes Where for special instructions. Composting for sod is not available at City landfills. If you take sod to the landfill, you will be charged the basic sanitary rate​.

What do I do with medical waste and needles?

Hypodermic needles/medical waste must be packaged and made safe for collection. Place them in puncture resistant non-breakable containers with a tight-fitting lid and put in black cart as garbage.

How do I dispose of sharp objects (glass, mirrors, etc.)?

Sharp objects must be packaged and made safe for collection. Place them in puncture resistant non-breakable containers with a tight fitting lid. Glass containers can be recycled at your neighbourhood recycling depot or in your Blue Cart.

How do I dispose of animal waste and carcasses?

Animal waste, sawdust, and fireplace ashes can be composted in green cart. Must be bagged in a paper bag and rolled closed or compostable bag and tied closed.

Put small animal carcasses (e.g. birds, mice, fish, rabbits, chickens) in your black cart as garbage. Make sure to double bag and place inside the bin for pickup. Large animals (deer, moose, elk etc.) need to be taken to a City landfill site for disposal.

For pet remains, The Calgary Humane Society, veterinary clinics and other private companies provide animal cremation services. Otherwise, take your pet remains to a City landfill. Staff will help with disposal if requested.

What are the bylaw regulations regarding setting out my blue, green and black carts garbage onto the street or backlane?

Your carts must be set out for collection no later than 7 a.m. on the day of collection and no earlier than 7 p.m. on the day before collection.

For Lane Service:

  • Place your carts beside the lane, so that collectors have direct and safe access.
  • Don't place your garbage behind a fence or in a garage because collectors are not permitted on private property.

For Front Street Service:

  • Place cart wheels against the curb.​​​​​​

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