Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 4 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. We are also asking businesses and residents to reduce indoor water use by 25%.

Learn more

Who we are and what we do

Who We Are and What We Do

Who we are

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee provides leadership for the implementation of the Seniors Age-Friendly Strategy. It includes representation from the government, non-profit, health, post-secondary, and private sectors, as well as Calgarians with lived experience.

Action Teams

Groups of stakeholders that are responsible for completing specific actions that achieve goals outlined in the Seniors Age-Friendly Strategy implementation plan.

Aligned Initiatives

Aligned initiatives are groups of internal or external stakeholders who are working together to achieve objectives that align with the result areas of the Seniors Age-Friendly Strategy.

Older Adult Advisory Table

Since 2019, Age-Friendly Calgary has recruited members for a 14 person Older Adult Advisory Table. These members provide first-hand experience and insight on living as an older adult, caregiver or someone looking to the future in Calgary. Their knowledge is used to inform and support strategic planning by the Steering Committee, action teams and the Age-Friendly Calgary team. Calls for the Older Adult Advisory Table recruitment take place each fall.

What we do

Age Friendly Calgary Action Teams

Current Action Teams include: 

  • Access to information Action team
  • Active Aging Action team
  • Mental Health and Housing

Changing Perceptions of Aging Meetup
This Meetup is held on the second Tuesday of each month and is intended for people of all ages who are interested in discussing topics related to aging and what an aging population means for Calgary.

Social Isolation Awareness Campaign
In collaboration with community partners, Age-Friendly Calgary’s #stayconnectedyyc campaign educates Calgarians about the impacts of social isolation on older adults and provides resources and ideas to promote meaningful connection. Learn how to Get involved.

Work underway led by Aligned Initiatives:

Healthy Aging Alberta
Age-Friendly Calgary is working closely with Healthy Aging Alberta (HAA). HAA brings together community-based seniors serving organizations that identify and address priority areas related to healthy aging in community.

Senior-serving organizations can access resources and information for the sector by becoming a member of COREAlberta. Membership is free.