Environmental Policy

Environmental Policy

Quick links:

About the policy

The City of Calgary is dedicated to protecting our land, air and water for future generations. Building a healthy and green city requires everyone’s participation by considering the environment in our decisions and daily activities. 

This policy outlines The City’s commitment to protect the environment, conserve resources, and follow environmental legislation and internal requirements. Protecting the environment requires all of us to do our part. Collectively the individual actions of over 17,000 employees can add up to make a big contribution to improving our community’s environmental well-being and corporate environmental performance.   

City of Calgary employees are expected to know the environmental impacts of their job and make environmentally conscious choices such as:

  • Choosing energy efficient fixtures in streetlights and facilities, which draw less power;
  • Driving vehicles in a fuel-efficient manner without idling unnecessarily, reducing harmful emissions;
  • Collecting stormwater for irrigation and planting drought-tolerant species to support a healthy watershed; 
  • Purchasing products and services with environmental benefits or better ingredients; 
  • Checking our worksites or construction projects to ensure measures are followed and effective; and
  • Exploring alternatives and opportunities when designing a proposal, project or plan.

By working together to follow our Environmental policy, we will continue to set an example for local businesses, communities and citizens to follow.

Policy learning

City employees who want to learn more about the Environmental Policy may enroll in the following courses available on myHRconnect:

  • ESM eLearning - Corporate EnviroSystem Overview
  • ESM eLearning - EnviroPortal Application eLearningTraining

Information about The City’s environmental management system, programs and requirements are available at http://myCity/environment.

Policy download

Download the full policy.

Policy resources

Employees may visit mycity/environment for more information about The City’s environmental management system, programs and requirements.

View the complete Code of Conduct policy library.
