Senior management expenses
As part of The City’s commitment to an open, transparent and accountable local government we release the Senior Management Expense report twice per year in the spring and fall. It includes line item details, including business travel, meals and hosting, and employee recognition for the Senior Management Team. The Senior Management Team includes the City Manager, general managers and directors.
Budgets for the City Manager and each General Manager are reviewed and approved annually by City Council as part of budget deliberations.
Historical senior management expenses
Prior to the enhanced reports in 2020, the Senior Management Expense Reports included The City Manager and general managers expense totals. These historical reports can be viewed below:
Financial policy governing expenses
The City of Calgary policy - FA-010 Accounts Payable and Supporting Procedures for Reimbursement of Employee Business Expense outlines what expenses are allowed and the approval process to be followed. No employee can approve their own expenses. Each individual's expenses are reviewed for appropriateness and accuracy by their supervising authority. The City Manager reviews each General Manager's expenses and the Mayor reviews the City Manager's expenses.