Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 4 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. We are also asking businesses and residents to reduce indoor water use by 25%.

Learn more



Highlighted Projects

The North Hill Communities LAP is currently being implemented and will continue to guide growth and change in the Plan area. 

Find out more about improvements projects happening in your community by expanding any of the following projects:

Balmoral Circus Park Improvements

Balmoral Circus was updated to create an attractive and meaningful community destination where people want to spend time together. Closing the intersection will decrease short cutting and the number of vehicles on the street. It will also improve access for people walking and wheeling to and within the Circus.

Crescent Road N.W. Master Plan

After two rounds of public engagement, several discussions with community members and stakeholders, two rounds of knowledge sharing sessions with Indigenous Elders from the Blackfoot, Stoney Nakoda, and Tsuut’ina Nations, and several months of work by the City and consulting project team, we have completed the Crescent Road N.W. Master Plan that guides future investment by creating a cohesive vision for a safe, accessible street and public pace for all users. When funded, the Plan will be ready to go to detailed design and construction.

Green Line LRT

The Green Line LRT will add 46 km of LRT track to the existing 59 km LRT system. Green Line is a city-shaping transit service that improves mobility in communities in north and southeast Calgary, connecting people and places, and enhancing the quality of life in the city.

North Mount Pleasant Arts Centre Area Improvements

The area surrounding the North Mount Pleasant Arts Centre will be improved with a new outdoor programmable space, new sidewalks and pathway connections and a redesigned accessible community garden will make the area more inviting for people to spend time in the area. Also, a new accessible pottery wheel will be installed, allowing more people to participate in classes.

Unite the Heights – 8 Avenue N. Functional Planning Study

Based on the community’s existing and future needs, the Unite the Heights – 8 Avenue N. Functional Planning Study will identify improvements to walking and wheeling connections along 8 Avenue N. between 2 Street N.W. and McKinnon Drive N.E., as well as sections of the connecting roadways of McKinnon Drive N.E. and Maunsell Close N.E., so that people have better and safer access to destinations within the surrounding communities. The recommendations arising from this study will provide a strategic plan to guide future investment in the area that aligns with the needs of the community.

40 Avenue N.E. Park & Area Improvements

Travel and gathering spaces in the Greenview Industrial Park are being improved for people who live and work in the area. The addition of a temporary 'pop-up' park will provide a new place for people to gather and spend time together. New sidewalks and pathways will complete the gap in walking and wheeling connections in the community, making it easier for residents and workers to travel to local destinations.

Growth and Development

The North Hill Communities Local Area Plan is a living policy document that is consulted alongside the Land Use By-Law, Municipal Development Plan and other City policies when development or redevelopment applications are made by developers, builders or homeowners.

Visit the Development Map for information and opportunity to share comments on development or redevelopment applications for projects happening in the North HIll Communities or anywhere else in Calgary.

Community profiles for each of the North Hill Communities can be found here.

This information has no legal status and cannot be used as an official interpretation of the various bylaws, codes and regulations currently in effect. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Web pages are updated periodically. ​
