Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 4 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. We are also asking businesses and residents to reduce indoor water use by 25%.

Learn more

Do’s and Don’ts to comply with our Substance Use Policy

As City employees, we deserve the same concern, trust, respect and caring attitude that we use with citizens every day. Awareness, education, early detection and treatment of substance use problems support a safe, healthy and productive workplace. We place a priority on prevention, identification, treatment, successful recovery and re-entry into the workplace for employees that have a substance use problem.


  • Report fit for work and remain fit for work at all times while on City of Calgary business.
  • Inform your supervisor immediately if you are unable to safely and efficiently perform your duties due to the consumption of alcohol or legal or illegal drugs (including over-the-counter medication).
  • Assume responsibility for substance dependency and seek professional assistance.
  • Notify your supervisor if you are taking prescription or over-the-counter medication that may impact your ability to safely and effectively perform your job.


  • Be under the influence of intoxicating, hallucinogenic, or mind altering substances if it impacts your fitness for work.
  • Use any substance prior to or during a scheduled work shift that could impact your ability to safely and /or efficiently perform your duties.
  • Possess, distribute, offer or sell illegal or legal substances at the workplace.
  • Allow your off-duty conduct to negatively impact The City’s reputation.
  • Disregard a 24-hr driving suspension, even if it happens while you are off work. You must notify your employer of any driving suspensions, if you require a City of Calgary operator’s permit for your job.
Put these do’s and don’ts into practice by reading some Ask the Code scenarios.