Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 4 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. We are also asking businesses and residents to reduce indoor water use by 25%.

Learn more

Ask the Code - Cannabis edition - Medical consumer

Dear Code of Conduct,
I have been authorized by my doctor to use cannabis for medicinal reasons. I’m a bit embarrassed to talk about this. Do I need to declare this to my supervisor?
- Medical consumer
Dear Medical consumer,
The answer to your question depends on whether you are in a safety-sensitive position or not.
If you are in a safety sensitive position – you must tell your leader that you are taking medication that could impact your fitness for work. Your leader might then arrange non-safety sensitive work while he or she speaks to a Corporate Health Consultant (CHC) and arranges a meeting with you. In that meeting, you will talk about your authorization to use cannabis as a medication and provide supporting documentation to the CHC to support your use.
The CHC has to confirm you are fit to return to your safety sensitive position. Until that time, you might be accommodated in a non-safety sensitive position.
If you are in a non-safety sensitive position - you need to tell your leader about any limitations or restrictions if concerns are brought up (but you don’t have to reveal the medication you are taking). Your leader will then work with you and/or the CHC to determine whether modified duties or temporary reassignment are needed.
In both positions, it is your responsibility to ensure you remain fit for work when using medication. Your doctor or pharmacist may be able to help you understand whether the medication or dose you are taking could have an effect on your performance at work.