Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 1 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. Learn more about what you can do during this stage.

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The City of Calgary has developed a CAD (computer-aided design) standard to be used for engineering drawings on capital projects that impact City of Calgary horizontal infrastructure initiated on or after January 1, 2019. The Standard also applies to drawings for subdivision construction projects initiated on or after January 1, 2020.

Any projects initiated prior to these dates are encouraged to use this CAD Standard. Usage of this standard is also encouraged for CAD representations of buildings and other vertical infrastructure projects.

If you have suggestions or comments you can provide feedback by emailing us at

How to navigate the CAD website

CAD drawing standard documentation

The CAD standard guidance document describes in detail the specifics of the standard and how to apply them.

CAD standard

The CAD standard describes the minimum requirements for CAD drawings submitted to or created internally by The City of Calgary.

CAD standard version history

This document lists the changes of the current standard version from previous ones.

AutoCAD templates

Below are the AutoCAD 2018 templates which you may download and use to facilitate complying with the CAD standard. Dates indicate the last update to the file.

Full template download

To download all the templates and related files for all disciplines, download the file below and save it to your desktop. Once the files are downloaded please read the Supporting File Locations (2020-12-15) document.

Templates by discipline

Individual templates may be downloaded separately if you do not require all the templates. Please note you will also need to download the necessary supporting files listed below them.

Required supporting files for individual templates:

Required files for the Civil 3D template:

Optional files:

Quick reference files

Below is a list of reference files that you may download and/or print as a quick reference for when you are working on CAD drawings for The City of Calgary.

Colour Pen Table (CTB) samples

Sample drawings

The sample drawings below are used to show what some typical finished products, which comply with the CAD standard, look like.

These drawing samples are intended to illustrate the CAD standard and are for reference purposes only. Please confirm with your appropriate City of Calgary contact for specific content requirements.

Typical contract set drawings:

Typical Subdivision drawings:

Typical block profile drawings:

Typical as-built block profile drawings:

For background information about the CAD Standard and why The City created these, view the About the CAD Standard page.

If you have technical questions that are not covered in the material provided above, please review our FAQ page.

To watch instructional videos to learn how to use the standard, take a look at the Technical Videos page

Disclaimer: The City of Calgary (the "City") CAD standards and provided tools are intended for information purposes only. No warranty or representation as to the completeness or accuracy of said materials is made. The Contents on this Site and its compilation is protected by Canadian and international copyright, and trademark laws.  The City acknowledges that the CAD Standards were developed by adopting and amending the Master Municipal Construction Documents Association (MMCD) Standard, and supplemented with additional information from the National CAD Standard (NCS). Copyright materials from both organizations incorporated within the City’s CAD Standards is owned by the respective organization. For more information on using the content on this site, please see the City of Calgary Terms of Use.

This information has no legal status and cannot be used as an official interpretation of the various bylaws, codes and regulations currently in effect. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Web pages are updated periodically. ​
